Great Planes Pete 'n Poke 40 Kit - GPMA0493 User Manual

Page 35

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install them on the instrument panels. Paint a pilot(s) of your
choice and securely glue him into position. If you use only
one pilot, place him in the aft cockpit.

2. Use the windshield pattern on the plan to make two

windshields from the .02" x 3-1/2" x 12" clear plastic sheet.
After cutting out the windshields, sand the edges smooth
with 320-grit sandpaper.

3. Position one of the windshields on the fuselage. Use a

fine-point felt-tip pen to trace the outline of the windshield
onto the covering. Trim the covering from the model along
the line you marked.

4. Use canopy glue such as J & Z Products Z R/C 56

(JOZR5007) or CA to glue one of the windshields to the
fuse. If you use CA be careful not to use too much as it will
“fog” the plastic around the glue joint. Do not use CA
accelerator. Add 1/8" striping tape where the canopy meets
the fuse.

5. Glue the other windshield to the fuse the same way.

1. Starting with the stab and the elevators, remove a

small strip of covering from each hinge slot. Do not simply

cut slots in the covering, but remove a small strip of covering
so it will not interfere with the CA when gluing in the hinges.

2. Roughen the elevator joiner wire with coarse sandpaper

so glue will adhere. Insert the joiner wire into the fuse.

3. Test fit the elevators to the stab and the joiner wire with

the hinges. If any of the hinges do not stay centered,
temporarily insert a pin into the middle of the hinge to keep
it centered.

4. Use a piece of leftover pushrod wire or a toothpick to

thoroughly coat the inside of the holes and the grooves in
both elevators with 30-minute epoxy. Join the elevators to
the joiner wire and the stab with the hinges. Use a piece of
a paper towel or a tissue dampened with alcohol or other
suitable solvent to wipe away excess epoxy. Hint: Before
joining the elevators to the stab, remove the hinges. Add a
few drops of household oil to a tissue and wipe it along the
TE of the stab and the LE of the elevators, lightly coating
the surfaces with a fine film of oil. This will keep excess CA
and epoxy from gluing the elevators to the stab.

5. Remove any pins you may have used to keep the

hinges centered. Be certain there is a small gap between
the elevators and the stab–just enough to slip a piece of
paper through or to see light through. Add four to six drops
of thin CA to the top and bottom of each hinge. Wait a few
seconds between drops to allow the CA to fully soak in.

6. Add a drop of oil or a dab of petroleum jelly to the tail

gear wire where it fits into the nylon tail gear mount. Glue the
nylon tail gear mount into the fin TE with 30-minute epoxy.
Coat the hole in the rudder for the tail gear wire with epoxy.
Join the rudder to the fin with the hinges. Add four to six
drops of thin CA to both sides of each hinge.

7. Join the ailerons to the wing the same way.

1. Mount the engine and reinstall the servos and all the

hardware you removed before covering the model. Don’t
forget about the washers under the rear of the engine to set
the correct down thrust. If you haven’t done so already, cut
a hole in the bottom of the center-section of the wing where
shown on the plan to pass the aileron servo wire.

2. Connect servo extension cords to the aileron servos.

We used one Hobbico 6" extension cord (HCAM2000) for

Hook Up the Controls



Join the Control Surfaces