Great Planes Seawind EP ARF - GPMA1169 User Manual
Page 11

4. Connect the aileron pushrods to the torque rod horns on
the ailerons with the 90° connectors and to the screw-locks in
the servo arm. Center the ailerons and tighten down the screws
in the connectors with a drop of threadlocker on the threads.
Make sure you have the servo arm screw in the servo.
5. Cut off the extra pushrod wire, but leave approximately
1/4" [5mm to 6mm] protruding from the screw-lock
pushrod connectors.
6. Use the transmitter to operate the ailerons to make sure
they respond in the correct direction. You can set the control
throws now, or wait until you get to the “Set the Control
Throws” section on page 12.
7. Use thick or medium foam-safe CA, epoxy, R/C 56 or
waterproof white glue to glue on the wing tips. If necessary,
use pins to hold them in position while the glue is drying.
Balance the Propeller & Mount the Spinner
1. For optimum performance and motor effi ciency balance
the propeller using a Top Flite
Precision Magnetic Prop
Balancer (TOPQ5700) or other suitable balancer. Use a
hobby knife or sandpaper to sand the one side of the heavier
blade until you can get the prop to balance.
2. Mount the propeller with the included aluminum
propeller washer. Use a few dabs of RTV silicone, R/C 56 or
waterproof white glue to glue on the spinner. Using just a few
dabs of any of the soft glues recommended should allow the
spinner to be removed if ever necessary in the future. If the
spinner becomes damaged two spares are provided.
Mount the Wing
1. Test fi t the wing to the fuse. If necessary, trim the foam
block on top of the plywood wing bolt plate in the fuse so it
doesn’t interfere with the aileron pushrod wires when you
mount the wing.
2. Mount the wing to the fuse. Use care to tighten the
Phillips wing mounting screw just enough to draw the wing
down to the fuse.