When to check power steering fluid, How to check power steering fluid, What to use – GMC 2001 Savana User Manual

Page 296: Windshield washer fluid, Adding washer fluid

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When to Check Power Steering Fluid

It is not necessary to regularly check power steering
fluid unless you suspect there is a leak in the system or
you hear an unusual noise. A fluid loss in this system
could indicate a problem. Have the system inspected
and repaired.

How to Check Power Steering Fluid

Turn the key off, let the engine compartment cool down,
wipe the cap and the top of the reservoir clean, then
unscrew the cap and wipe the dipstick with a clean rag.
Replace the cap and completely tighten it. Then remove
the cap again and look at the fluid level on the dipstick.

The level should be at the FULL COLD mark. If
necessary, add only enough fluid to bring the level
up to the mark.

To prevent contamination of brake fluid, never check or
fill the power steering reservoir with the brake master
cylinder cover off.

What to Use

To determine what kind of fluid to use, see
“Recommended Fluids and Lubricants” in the Index.
Always use the proper fluid. Failure to use the proper
fluid can cause leaks and damage hoses and seals.

Windshield Washer Fluid

What to Use

When you need windshield washer fluid, be sure to read
the manufacturer’s instructions before use. If you will be
operating your vehicle in an area where the temperature
may fall below freezing, use a fluid that has sufficient
protection against freezing.

Adding Washer Fluid

The windshield washer fluid
reservoir is located on the
driver’s side of the engine
compartment. See “Engine
Compartment Overview” in
the Index for more
information on location.

Open the cap labeled WASHER FLUID ONLY.
Add washer fluid until the tank is full.