Care, Maintenance an, Nd repairs – GIN Bolero 4 User Manual

Page 24: Ground ha, Uv damag, Packing in, Transport, Andling, Nstructions, T and storage

background image


5. Care,

The materia
following th

Ground ha

The followin

Violent shoc
whilst groun

Dragging th

Stepping on
stretching, b

Opening you

UV damag

Avoid leavin

Packing in

We advise y
takes slight

Since foldin


Moisture is
prolonged p

Maintenance an

als used in the Bolero 4

he guidelines below wil

safe operation. Excess

y exposure to UV light,


ng should be avoided:

cks to the upper surfac
nd handling).

e glider along the grou

the lines or canopy. Th

but is sensitive to bend

ur wing in strong winds


ng the glider out in the


you to pack the glider ‘a

tly longer and requires

g the glider weakens th

t and Storage

the worst enemy for yo

ents. The Bolero 4 shou

period if it is damp, san

nd Repairs

4 have been carefully se

l keep your paraglider

ive wear is caused by c

chemicals, heat and m

e (e.g. when the canopy


he Kevlar inside the she
ding with small radius.

s without first untangli

sun unnecessarily. UV

accordion wise’ as show

an assistant, but it con

he materials, pack the g

our glider, adversely af

uld therefore be kept dr
ndy, salty, or if other ob

elected for maximum d

airworthy and will ensu

careless ground handlin


y crashes to the ground

eath can take lots of pu

ng the lines.

rays from the sun degr

wn in the diagram. This

nserves the rigidity in t

glider as loosely as pos

ffecting the ageing of fa

ry and cool. Do not pack

bjects have entered the

urability. Nevertheless

ure a long period of
ng and packing,

d leading edge first

ulling force without

rade paraglider cloth.

packing procedure

the profile


abric, lines and

k the glider away for a

e cells. Always allow it
