GIN Bolero 4 User Manual

Page 21

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* Adjust the trimmers to dampen it out

Weight shift is the best counter. Oscillation usually occurs on high power settings - more power and a
larger propeller cause more oscillation. It could be that your control inputs are amplifying the
oscillation. In this case, throttling back a little and flying hands-off should take care of the problem.

Having said all this, it is quite common for inexperienced pilots to be too busy on the controls, this is
referred to as pilot induced oscillation, and the simple answer is stop moving your hands

Level Flight

On reaching a safe height after takeoff, and if you wish to go cruising, turn on to your chosen heading,
reach up and release thetrimmers if on a slow setting and if you like, and you have sufficient height,
let go of the brakes completely. If conditions are very rough you may wish to keep hold of them,
however the Bolero 4 is even more stable at higher speeds, so we suggest you let go and enjoy the

Note – all motor units should have adequate netting to prevent toggles entering propellers whilst in
flight – check yours!

If you have one, keep an eye on your alti/vario. In level flight - it is easy to creep into a climb without
noticing. Use the information from your instruments to optimize your forward speed and reduce drag
and fuel consumption. This will be specific to your own set-up. With its hands-off flight capability, the
Bolero 4 is good at letting you do this.

With a sound understanding of the current wind conditions at different altitudes and intelligent use
of any thermal activity, wave, convergence, ridge or frontal lift it is possible to conserve your fuel and
greatly extend your operating range. The engine of course makes it easy to put you in the right place
at the right time to exploit the conditions. Don’t be afraid to throw the Bolero 4 into a tight thermal to
gain height and save fuel - you will find it is particularly good at coring thermals. Using slower trim
settings willallow you to climb faster in thermals.

Using the Trimmers and Speed Bar

The Bolero 4 has a wide range oftrim and speed bar settings for you to explore. We recommend that
you explore the full flight envelope at a safe height and with adequate training and experience.

The Bolero 4 has a wide and relatively safe speed range compared with most aircraft.

On faster trim or speed bar settings, brake pressures generally increase and weight-shift becomes
more effective. On the slower settings, sink rate improves and handling becomes lighter, enabling you
to make best use of thermal cores whilst giving you an improved climb rate and shorter slower take-
offs and landings. For correct usage, first study the diagrams on page 8, showing trim and speed bar
movement as well as speed bar hook-ups. The diagrams also show you the effect on the wing shape
relative to the different settings.

At all speed settings the differential application of both brakes while banking allows you to make very
effective turns by increasing the lift to assist the turn when the lift axis is canted over in the bank.
Likewise engine thrust and speed bar can be applied at certain times to increase turn rate etc. These
techniques come with more experience allowing you to get the most fromyour wing you to achieve