Dsp effects – Future Retro Revolution Owner Manual User Manual
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The Revolution provides 16 preset stereo 24 bit DSP effects for processing both internal and external
sounds. Although the internal sound section of the Revolution is mono, these stereo effects can be
used to widen the stereo field of the sound as well as provide more depth.
CH+RM1 This effect provides chorus with reverb creating a nice smooth and spatial sound.
CH+RM2 This effect provides an auto-wah guitar effect with reverb for lead type instrument sounds.
DLY 1 This effect provides a 141ms slap-back delay to the sound. This effect is best used with
tempos in the area of 53, 106, and 212 BPM (beats per minute) when the 4/4 time signature is used
for a pattern. When the time signature of a pattern is set for 3/4, this delay will work best with tempos
in the area of 70, and 141 BPM.
DLY 2 This effect provides a 107ms delay to the sound. This effect is best used with tempos in the
area of 70, and 140 BPM when the 4/4 time signature is used for a pattern. When the time signature
of a pattern is set for 3/4, this delay will work best with tempos in the area of 93, and 187 BPM.
CHRS Chorus is a stereo chorus for making audio rich and full sounding.
FLNG Flange is a stereo flange for metallic sweeping effects.
PLT 1 Plate 1 is a classic plate reverb which may be best used to process instruments and vocals.
PLT 2 Plate 2 is another plate reverb with added brightness and sizzle which may be best used to
process instruments, drums, and vocals.
RM1 Room 1 models a hardwood studio room, for a natural reverb sound.
PLT 3 Plate 3 is a short vintage plate reverb, as typically used on snares and guitar sounds.
RM 2 Room 2 is another reverb effect, which can be used to add ambience to instruments.
RM 3 Room 3 provides a warm reverb sound for instruments.
HL 1 Hall 1 is a bright hall reverb typically used for instruments, drums, and vocals.
HL 2 Hall 2 is a warm hall reverb typically used for acoustic instruments, drums, and vocals.
LPF Low Pass Filter is an effect which can be used to remove the high frequencies from instruments.
ROTARY Creates a stereo rotary speaker effect.