Specifications – Future Retro XS User Manual
Page 62
Key Follow: 0 to 100%
Velocity: amplitude control for Envelope 1
Modulation Sources: external source, LFO, LFO controlled by Mod Wheel, Mod Wheel, Waveform B
controlled by Mod Wheel, Waveform B, Waveform B controlled by Envelope 1, Waveform C
Envelope 1: negative and positive polarity covering 10 octaves
Key Sync: on/off (retriggering)
Attack Time: 0.5 milliseconds to 4 seconds
Decay Time: 2 milliseconds to 10 seconds
Sustain Level: 0 to 100% (+10 volts)
Release Time: 1 millisecond to 10 seconds
Sensitivity: 0 to +10 volts
Attack Time: 0.5 milliseconds to 4 seconds
Decay Time: 2 milliseconds to 10 seconds
Attack Time: 1 millisecond to 4 seconds
Decay Time: 3 milliseconds to 7 seconds
Sustain Level: 100%
Release Time: 3 milliseconds to 7 seconds
Velocity: 0 to 100%
Envelope Shapes for Control: attack/decay, attack/sustain/release, accented decay/sustain/release,
accented decay/normal decay
CV In: 1 V/Oct standard, typically 0 to +5 volts (+15 volts max)
CV Out: 1 V/Oct standard, 0 to +5 volts
Mod Wheel Out: 0 to +10 volts
Velocity Out: 0 to +10 volts
LFO Out: -5 to +5 volts
Oscillator Modulation In: typically –10 to +10 volts (-/+15 volts max)
Waveform A: -5 to +5 volts
Waveform B: -5 to +5 volts
Waveform C: 0 to +15 volts (for sub oscillator divisions), -5 to +5 volts (for ring modulator and white
noise source)
Audio In: accepts line-level audio signals
Filter Modulation In: typically –10 to +10 volts (-/+ 15 volts max)
Velocity In: typically 0 to +10 volts (-/+15 volts max)
Gate In: gate on equals +1.5 volts or higher, gate off equals 0 volts
Gate Out: 0 to +15 volts
Envelope Out +/-: 0 to +10 volts
Filter Out / Amp In Range: -15 to +15 volts max
Main Out Range: 11 volts peak/peak max