Future Retro XS User Manual
Page 34
The XS provides four envelope types to help shape the amplitude of a sound passing through the
These envelope types include attack/decay, attack/sustain/release, accented decay/sustain/release, and
accented decay/normal decay. Only two controls, however, are required to set these various envelope
ATTACK/DECAY: The attack/decay control determines the rate at which the envelope will transition
from its current amplitude to +10 volts, when the attack/decay or attack/sustain/release envelope types
are selected in the amplifier section. This attack time can vary from 1 milliseconds to 4 seconds.
If the accented decay/sustain/release or accented decay/normal decay envelope types are selected in the
amplifier section, this control will then determine the accented rate at which the envelope will decay to 0
volts. This decay time can vary from 3 milliseconds to 7 seconds.
When this control is rotated fully counter-clockwise, the fastest attack or decay time will occur
depending on the envelope type selected. Rotate this control clockwise to increase the attack or decay
time depending on the envelope type selected.
Ideally the attack portion of the envelope will begin at 0 volts, unless a note was recently played and the
envelope has not yet fully decayed to 0 volts.
DECAY/RELEASE: The decay/release control determines the rate as which the envelope will decay
from its current level to 0 volts, when the attack/decay or attack/sustain/release envelope types are
selected in the amplifier section. NOTE: the sustain level is always +10 volts; however, if the attack
portion of the envelope has not yet reached +10 volts, the envelope will start decaying from whatever
level the envelope is currently at.
If the accented decay/sustain/release or accented decay/normal decay envelope types are selected in the
amplifier section, this control will then determine the accented rate at which the envelope will decay
from +10 to 0 volts. This decay time can vary from 3 milliseconds to 7 seconds.
When this control is rotated fully counter-clockwise the fastest decay or release time will occur
depending on the envelope type selected. Rotate this control clockwise to increase the decay or release
time depending on the envelope type selected.
NOTE: The SENSITIVITY control in the ACCENT section determines when both Envelopes 1 and 2 will
use their accent envelope times. However only two envelope types for the amplifier use these accented
envelope times. These envelopes are the accented decay/sustain/release, and accented decay/normal
decay type envelopes.