Sequencer overview, Using the sequencer – Future Retro Orb Owner Manual User Manual
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The Orb is a single-track programmable digital step sequencer for
recording and playing back musical patterns and songs. All the
information for a pattern can be edited while the sequencer is either
playing or stopped. The sequencer automatically saves all changes
made to patterns and songs. This allows users to create and
manipulate patterns live and hear the changes as they are made.
With the Orb’s sequencer, you can play external MIDI sound
modules, as well as analog CV/Gate type synthesizers.
There are 256 user patterns arranged as 16 banks of 16 patterns.
Each pattern can be up to 1 measure in length, which is then
divided into 12 or 16 equal steps depending on the time signature.
Each pattern records the time signature, notes, pitches, accents,
glides, loop point, and swing amount. Patterns can also be copied
and pasted, shifted in time, transposed, and remixed, as well as be
played forward or in reverse.
Patterns can be selected and played live in any order while in
Pattern mode. Patterns can also be prearranged into one of the 16
song locations. Each song will record the order that patterns will
play, along with the transpose setting for each pattern, and the loop
point for the song. Each song can arrange up to 3,580 measures’
worth of music. Songs can also have their patterns remixed or be
played forward or in reverse for all sorts of interesting variations.
Patterns and songs created in the Orb are universally
compatible with those in our Revolution synthesizer. Using the
SysEx Dump feature in these products allows you to transfer
patterns and songs from one unit into the other.
In addition, you may also use the SysEx feature to transfer
patterns and songs created in the Orb to a computer for storage
The Orb’s sequencer has two main modes that you will work with.
This is what we call Pattern mode and Song mode. When the Song
key indicator is on, the machine is in Song mode. When the Song
key indicator is off, the machine is in Pattern mode. To change
from one mode to the other, the sequencer must first be stopped;
then by pressing the Song key, you can change modes.
In Song mode, you can do the following:
• Select a song
• Edit and arrange patterns to form a song
• Play a song
• Remix a song
• Change a song’s tempo
• Set up the global MIDI parameters
• Perform a SysEx MIDI dump
In Pattern mode, you can do the following:
• Select patterns
• Edit a pattern
• Play patterns
• Remix patterns
• Adjust the global tempo setting for all patterns
• Set the global transpose setting for all patterns
The Play key is used to start and stop the playback of patterns and
songs. To play a pattern or song forward, simply press the Play
key. The Play key indicator will blink at the tempo the sequencer is
playing at. To stop playback of the sequencer, press the Play key
again. The Play key indicator will be off, showing that the
sequencer is stopped.
Patterns can also be played in reverse. If the unit is stopped and
you wish to play a pattern backward, hold the Shift/Clear key and
then press the Play key. The pattern will now be playing backward.
To stop the sequencer, press the Play key.