Modes – Future Retro Mondovox User Manual
Page 6

You can changes modes by rotating the 12-position rotary switch on the front panel. Note that modes will
only be recognized as changed to the new mode once all currently playing notes have been released.
Therefore it is a good idea to change modes only when no notes are being sent from your MIDI controller or
sequencer. The exception to this rule is you do need to play/hold notes while in Poly First mode, and then
switch to Chord Mem to latch the held notes.
To set the input MIDI channel, turn the unit on and send it a Note-On message on the desired MIDI channel.
This will be the only MIDI channel the Mondovox will respond to until the MIDI channel is changed. To
change the MIDI channel turn the unit off, then back on, and send a new MIDI Note-On message on the
desired MIDI channel.
Note-On/Off, Velocity, Pitch Bend, and Mod Wheel messages received on the input MIDI channel will be
sent out of all enabled MIDI Out channels simultaneously. Unlike Unison modes found on traditional poly
synthesizers that allow you to play only 1 note at a time while in unison, the Mondovox allows you to play up
to 16 notes and have these transmitted out of all enabled MIDI channels.
When controlling analog monophonic synthesizers, playing more than one note will typically allow you to
trigger their internal glide circuitry. And when controlling something like a digital multi-timbral sound
module, it allows you to play massive chord sounds.
Detune modes are similar to Unison Bend, in that Note-On/Off, Velocity, and Mod Wheel messages received
on the input MIDI channel will be sent out of all enabled MIDI Out channels simultaneously.
In the Detune modes, however, Pitch Bend messages are now used to detune all enabled MIDI channels.
Detuning voices in this way can create all sorts of useful results, from flanging, chorusing, super saw-like
thickening, buzzing swarms, or even dissonant sound effects—perfect for a horror film.
NOTE: The amount you detune all voices will remain even when you select other modes, which can be useful
when wanting to play weird out-of-tune melodies or chords. If this type of effect is not desired, simply move
the Pitch Bend in the negative direction to clear out the current setting before selecting other modes.
In addition, this detuned amount will also be cleared and overwritten when Pitch Bend messages are used in
the various other modes, but are only cleared for the voices currently playing.
As you move the Pitch Bend in the positive direction on your controller, all enabled MIDI channels will be
increasingly detuned downward in pitch. When you release the Pitch Bend control to its middle position, the
detune amount stays the same, allowing you to adjust it, set it, release it, and then play parts without
constantly having to maintain your Pitch Bend location. If the current detune amount is not the max setting,
higher detune amounts can be set by moving the Pitch Bend to a value greater than was last used. To clear out
the current detuned amount, move your Pitch Bend in the negative direction.