Future Retro Zillion Owner Manual User Manual
Page 7

Touch Pad
When one of the four soft keys is held, you may also use the circular
touch pad to increment and decrement the selected function’s value very
quickly. To increment a value, drag your finger across the pad in a clock-
wise direction. To decrement a value, drag your finger in the counter
clock-wise direction. Once the value is set, release the soft key for the
value to take affect.
For typical behavior, avoid dragging your finger past the 12 o’clock
position of the pad. If you do drag across this position you will notice the
value will jump in the opposite direction by a value of approximately 50.
Once you are more experience with this technique you can use it to your
advantage to make large value changes quickly.
When a soft key is not being held, touching the pad will select one of the
various modes of operation. Modes are spaced evenly throughout the
range of the circle, and text around the pad help identify where modes
exist. You can touch any portion of the pad to jump directly to that mode,
or you can drag your finger around the pad to see the various modes.