Futaba FSU2 User Manual

Page 2

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The FSU2 relays the signal from wheel, triger, or stick to its corresponding servo without

any delay under the normal operation.


Operation by interference

When the interference is weak, the servo horn will intermittently try to move to the F/S set

position. If the set position is correctly set at the brake or throttle slow side, it will be diffi cult
for the throttle to fl y up and the FSU2 will return the servo to the throttle slow side.

When interference is strong, the F/S function will hold the throttle servo in the preset

position. When the interference disappears, the FSU2 will immediately return to the normal

When there is strong interference on the same band nearby and the F/S function is turned

on instantly, the other transmitter will control the model. In this case, just because the FSU2 is
installed does not mean that loss of control can be prevented. Be very careful during use.


When the B-F/S function is turned on by a power supply voltage drop during use, the servo

horn moves to the preset position for about one second. When the voltage recovers, the servo
returns to normal operation. If the voltage drops again, the B-F/S function is turned on again.

When Nicd 4 cells (4.8) or Nicd 5 cells (6V) used

When the voltage drops, the B-F/S function is turned on for about one second. Just because

the B-F/S function is reset, do not continue to run the model. Due to the characteristics of
the Nicd battery, after the B-F/S function is turned on, the voltage will drop suddenly and the
entire system will stop and the servo will stop in an unexpected position and create a very
dangerous situation.

Dry cell battery use

The FSU2 cannot be used with manganese or alkali dry cell batteries. A dry cell battery

cannot endure a large current draw. If installed in the model, the voltage will frequently drop
even through the battery is new.


Since the CPU does not operate normally, the connected servos do not operate normally. Of

course, the F/S and B-F/S functions do not operate normally either.


This product is designed, manufactured, and sold for use with R/C models. Do not use it for

other purposes.

This product minimizes loss of control of the model due to interference or voltage drops. It

does not guarantee safety. Futaba is not responsible for the result of use of this product.

The specifi cations and contents of this product are subject to change without prior notice.


Before requesting repair, please refer to this instruction manual again and verify your

settings. If you are still experiencing trouble, please request service as follows:


Your nearest Futaba dealer.

Repair information

Describe the trouble in as much detail as possible.

Symptom: Including the state of the set when the trouble occurred.

Digital proportional set used: Transmitter, receiver, and servo model numbers.

Car: Type of car.

Your name, address, and telephone number.


Most of the functions of this

product are performed by
CPU. Therefore, if the CPU
is destroyed by immersion
i n w a t e r o r o i l , o r b y
connection to the wrong
p o l a r i t y , i t c a n n o t b e
repaired. The only repairs
possible are replacement
of the case, switch, and
lead connectors.

The case of this product

i s s e a l e d a n d m u s t b e
replaced during repair.


Makuhari Techno Garden Bldg., B6F 1-3 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-8555, Japan

Phone: (043) 296-5119



Usable receiver power supply

Nicd 4 cells (4.8V): Cells with a capacity of 270mAh or more
Nicd 5 cells (6.0V): Cells with a capacity of 500mAh or more
6V supplied by BEC internal control amp or regulator

Operating voltage


B-F/S detection voltage

4.8V mode: 4.0 ± 0.3V 6.0V mode: 5.0 ± 0.3V

Current drain

Approx. 10mA

Input/output pulse width


Input/output frame width


Size / Weight

15.8x21.8x7.7mm (excluding projecting parts) / 6g

Special Markings;
Pay special attention to
the safety at the parts of
this manual that are
indicated by the
following marks.

Symbol: ; Prohibited

; Mandatory



Procedures which may lead to a dangerous
condition and cause death or serious injury to
the user if not carried out properly.

Procedures which may lead to a dangerous
condition or cause death or serious injury to
the user if not carried out properly, or
procedures where the probability of superficial
injury or physical damage is high.

Procedures where the possibility of serious
injury to the user is small, but there is a danger
of injury, or physical damage, if not carried out