Futaba 14MZ Quick Start Guide - Helis User Manual
Page 3
From the Home Page press Model Menu, select Condition Select. In the red box you’ll see the word Normal. This is your
normal hovering condition. Press Add at the bottom of the page. Now press Idle Up-1, press Null on the right side of Idle-Up
1. Now you will select which switch you want to activate Idle Up 1. Press the desired switch to activate Idle Up-1, usually
Switch E (SW-E) then press the On Posi for on position. If using Switch E for Idle Up-1 the drawing on the screen will show
the 3-position switch and the current position of the switch. The middle position of the switch is automatically in the off position.
Press the OFF button to turn this position on. Make sure the other positions are in the Off position. Press Close. Press Idle
Up-1 to highlight (red), and then press
Add again. Using the same process,
add as many Idle Up’s as you desire
or need. You must add Throttle Hold
at the end.
If you are using two Idle Up’s and a
Throttle Hold, you need to have them
listed in the correct order.
1) Normal
2) Idle Up-1
3) Idle Up-2
4) Throttle Hold
They can not be listed in any other order or they will not function properly.
Now go back to the Home Page. Make sure that all of your switches are in the off position. Under the picture of the helicopter,
you’ll see the word Normal. Pull your Idle Up-1 switch (SE) and the word Normal should change to Idle Up-1. Do the same
for the other conditions you’ve just set.
Press Model Menu, Pit Curve. Just
to the left side, about center of the
graph you will see a red box with files
Gr. In a small blue section. Press this
box to change to single and press
yes. This will allow you to program
your different pitch curves.
Do this for Normal, each Idle Up
and Throttle Hold by flipping the
corresponding switches.
Press out of PIT Curve, press THR
Curve and do the same for all conditions.
Press THR Curve to exit and then press AFR (D/R). You’ll see Aileron next to the file cabinet. First change the file cabinet Gr.
to single and press yes. Then press Aileron and press Elevator and do the same process. Press Elevator and press Rudder
and do the same process.
You are preparing these flight condition parameters for later adjustments. This will allow you to make changes to Pitch, Throttle,
AFR’s, Dual Rates and Expo’s in one condition without affecting other conditions.
Turn off the transmitter to allow saving of the settings.
From the Home Page press Linkage
Menu and press End Point (ATV).
Typically any adjustments made in
ATV will affect all conditions.
pilots will prefer to use the AFR’s
settings to adjust endpoints.