Futaba 14MZ Quick Start Guide - Helis User Manual
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At this time you should install and set up your servos as per the helicopter manufactures instructions.
While at the Home Page, you’ll notice on the left side of the screen THR Stick Pos. and Pitch just under the Timer. As you move
the stick up and down, you’ll see the numbers change. Use the Pitch numbers to center your collective pitch servo as these numbers
read out stick position in tenths of a percent which is more accurate than the THR Stick Pos.
If while moving the collective stick
up/down one or more of the servo is
moving against the others, you’ll need
to go into the Servo Reverse menu.
To do this from the home page press
on Linkage Menu and press Servo
This screen will tell you
what each channel slot is on the
receiver. Select the servos that need
to be reversed by pressing on NORM.
You will be asked Sure?, press yes, if
not no. When finished you’ll need to
go back into your Swash, Swash
AFR and repeat the check.
Be careful moving the sticks to the extremes as you could bind up any of the servos. If the swashplate (pitch) is traveling too
far or binding, go to the Linkage Menu and then Swash. Under Swash AFR reduce the Pitch percentages to stop the binding
or over throw of the swashplate (pitch) to give you the pitch range you need.
Press the Linkage Menu and press
Swash. In the Swash AFR section to
the right side of the screen, you’ll
notice that all the values are set to
+50% for Aileron, Elevator and Pitch.
These are standard values and will
apply to most helicopters.
If your collective is moving
backwards, change Swash AFR
+50% to -50%, to do this press the
box for Aileron, Elevator or Pitch and
you’ll have two arrow and single
arrows for up and down and a reset to the right of the Swash AFR settings. The single Arrows move the settings in increments
of one percent. The two arrows move the increments in ten percent. Reset will reset the settings to +50%. Check the left/right,
fore/aft cyclics and adjust these values if needed through the Swash AFR from +50% to -50%. To get back to the Home Page
press Swash button in the top left corner of the screen and then press Linkage Menu in the top left corner of the screen.
Press Linkage Menu, Model Select.
At the bottom right side of the screen
press Rename.
This will bring up a key board to use
in naming your model. You may want
to use the Stylus for pressing the
small letters. You can enter up to 32
At the bottom of the page you’ll notice
a box with a flashing cursor. To erase
“New Model-1” just press del.
Use the keyboard to input the desired
name of the model and press Return to save the name. When finished, press ESC at the top left corner of the keyboard.