Glossary, Aileron (ail.), Channel – Futaba 4YF User Manual

Page 20: Down, Elevator (ele.), Linkage, Modulation method, Neutral, Normal (nor.), Proportional

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The following defines the symbols and terms used in this instruction manual.

Aileron (AIL.)

Control surface at the left and right sides of the
main wing of an aircraft. It usually controls turn-
ing of the aircraft.


Represents the number of control systems. It can
also represent the number of servos that are oper-


Means down elevator. It is the direction in which
the trailing edge of the elevator is pointing down.

Elevator (ELE.)

Control surface that moves up and down on the
horizontal stabilizer of an aircraft. It usually con-
trols up and down.


Mechanism that connects the servos and the fuse-
lage control surfaces.

Modulation method

Two modulation methods are used with radio
control: AM (Amplitude Modulation) and FM
(Frequency Modulation). Radio sets for aircraft
mainly use FM. Another method that encodes
and transmits the modulated signals is called


Means the neutral position. It is the state in which
a transmitter stick returns to the center when not

Normal (NOR.)

For the servo reversing function, it is the normal
side. The opposite side is the reverse side.


Because today's radio control sets control servos
in proportion to stick operation, radio control
equipment is called proportional.

Rudder (RUD.)

Tail control surface that controls the direction of
the aircraft.

Reverse (REV.)

With the servo reversing function, this is used to
mean the reverse side. The opposite side is the
normal side.


A bar that connects the servos and the fuselage
control surfaces.

Servo horn

A part that is installed to the shaft of a servo and
changes the rotating motion of the servo to linear
motion and transmits the linear motion to a rod.
Servo horns come in various shapes.

Servo mount

Fuselage base for installing a servo to the fuse-


Rod for operating the transmitter.

Throttle (THR.)

Part that controls the air mixture at the engine in-
take. When opened (throttle high side), a large air
mixture is sucked in and the engine speed in-
creases. When closed (throttle low side), the en-
gine speed decreases.


A device that fine adjusts the neutral point of
each servo for safe flying. It is a mechanism that
corrects bad tendencies of the aircraft.


Means up elevator. Direction in which the trail-
ing edge of the elevator is pointing up.