Maintenance requirements – Energenics In-Line Saver Lint Filters 2007 User Manual
Page 16

Maintenance Requirements
The frequency of your maintenance requirements depends upon the number of hours of
operation and upon variances in your product output. For a single-shift operation,
without special problems, the frequency recommended below should suffice. You
should set your own schedule based on your experience.
Visually inspect the filter inside and outside, its controls and their operation. At time of such
inspection, note and correct any discrepancies from normal operation.
Check the static pressure. Disconnect the lower pressure hose, and then use a magnehelic
gauge, manometer, or U-tube to measure and record the resistance. This will show the pattern
of operation of your system. If pressure exceeds 1 inch W.C., insure the rotor is correctly
turning and cleaning the screen.
Watch the air pressure gauge on the filter. Record the drop in pressure during the blow down
cycle. A normal pressure is from 100psi at the start to 80psi after six seconds. The minimum
pressure is 80psi. Any less will not reliably clean the screen. If the pressure were to fall from
100psi to 40psi, the air supply is inadequate or obstructed.
On filters using fire protection control, carefully test the Fenwall fire sensor accessed through
the inspection door. First disconnect the initiator/solenoid leads from the panel and connect a
24 VDC bulb to initiator terminals in the control unit. Heat the Fenwall fire sensor with a
heat lamp or other convenient source. When the bulb in the control unit changes state,
remove heat source and allow Fenwall fire sensor to cool. Reset control unit. Test lamp must
change state and stay changed after system is reset. Do not reconnect initiator/solenoid leads
until all Fenwall fire sensors have cooled below set point as indicated by test lamp.
Chemicals present in the laundry uniforms, shop towels or other linen may eventually clog the
filter screen. When this occurs, try the following:
1. Spray with an engine degreaser like GUNK. Allow soaking per the instructions for
cleaning an auto engine. Spray clean with water.
2. Operate one dryer without a load to blow hot air through the filter to dry it.
3. Restart the dryer. Operation should be perfectly normal. It should not be necessary to
replace the screen unless it is punctured.