Audio connections, Power connection – Drawmer S2 Dual Channel Tube Compressor User Manual
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The unit will have been supplied with a power cable
suitable for domestic power outlets in your country.
For your own safety it is important that you use this
cable. The unit should always be connected to the
mains supply earth using this cable, and no other.
If for some reason the unit is to be used at a mains
input operating voltage which is different to that as
supplied, the following procedure must be carried out.
1: Disconnect the unit from the mains.
2: Remove the two screws holding the voltage
selection cover-plate.
3: Remove the cover plate and slide the switch
fully to its opposite end.
4: Rotate the cover plate one half turn (180 degrees)
and refit the two screws.
5: Replace with a correctly rated fuse for the
selected operation voltage in the IEC socket:
230V-T500mA and 115V-T1Amp
6: Re-connect to mains power source.
Never disconnect the earth
from the mains supply
The inputs and outputs are electronically balanced on
conventionally wired XLRs (pin 1 screen, pin 2 hot, pin 3
cold and XLR shell is connected to chassis). The operating
level is nominally +4dBu. Balanced use is recommended.
• Interference:
If the S2 is to be used where it maybe exposed to high
levels of disturbance such as found close to a TV or
radio transmitter, we advise that it is operated in a
balanced configuration. The screens of the signal
cables should be connected to the chassis connection
on the XLR connector as opposed to connecting to
pin1. The S2 conforms to the EMC standards.
• Ground Loops:
If ground loop problems are encountered, never
disconnect the mains earth, but instead, try
disconnecting the signal screen on one end of each of
the cables connecting the outputs of the S2 to the
patchbay. If such measures are necessary, balanced
operation is recommended.
Altering the Voltage