Dangerous Music D-Box with Focusrite Saffire User Manual
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3. Set up your track outputs to create stems across outputs 1-8. You can split them up any way
that works for you, but generally the guideline is to split up tracks that have the most transient
information, such as vocals, drums, bass, etc...
• Take note of the fact that the D-Box has panning knobs on channels 7 and 8, allowing you to
utlilize those channels for mono tracks. See the example below:
4. At this point the mix is going out all 8 analog outputs and then being summed to stereo in analog in
the D-Box, and now it has to be recorded back into the DAW. If you have any outboard gear that you
like to put across the whole mix, this is where you would put it- between the D-Box Sum Output and
the Saffire line input. Once the cables are plugged in properly, all you need to do is:
• Create a stereo Aux Track to receive the mix in the DAW. This allows you to put plugins across the
whole mix, and record them to the final print track.
• Set the input of this Aux Track to 7-8 (or whichever line inputs you chose for your mix return), and
the output to an internal buss that you aren’t already using.
• Create a new stereo audio track in your DAW to monitor and record the mix.
• Set the input of this track to the buss that you used for the output of the Aux.
• Put that track on input monitor mode so that you can hear the mix even when you’re not recording
it. Set the output of that track to be the SPDIF out of the Saffire (11-12), which will be sent back out
to the D-Box.
5. Select DAW on the front of the D-Box in order to monitor through the D-Box D/A, which will allow you
to hear the very last step in the mix process. This completes the full round trip of the mix, going from
DAW to D-Box, back to DAW, and again out to the D-Box for final monitoring.
© Copyright 2012, Dangerous Music, Inc.