Warning – COMEUP Heavy Duty DC Hoist (Ver:01) User Manual
Page 10

Percentage Duty Cycle
The life of the hoist is depending on the conditions of the load and working frequency.
In the long time operation, make sure to use the machine within its %ED ratings.
Continuous ratings means the percentage duty cycle (%ED) is subject to the rated voltage
and a 63% of rated load.
Percentage duty cycle (%ED) X 100 (%)
Tb: total sum of overall loadings operating hours.
Ts: total sum of stopping hours.
Tb + Ts = approximately 1 to 10 minutes.
Never hoist over the rated percentage duty cycle.
Tb + Ts
The percentage duty cycle %ED of heavy duty hoist is rated at their top layer of wire rope on the
drum and rated at a 25% percentage duty cycle (%ED)
VI. Operation
Electrical Wiring Diagram
Before using the hoist, make sure all electrical components have no corrosion or damaged;
the environment should be clean and dry. The voltage drop from the battery connections to the
hoist must not exceed 10% of the nominal voltage under normal operating condition.
Battery Recommendations
A fully charged battery and good connections are essential for the proper operation of
your hoist. The minimum requirement for battery is 650 cold cranking amp.