Odem, Dvanced, Orwarding – CLEAR Modem with Wi-Fi User Guide User Manual

Page 23: Asic, Manage your modem (continued)

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Manage Your Modem (continued)

Modem Home Page / Advanced / Port Forwarding / Basic Tab

Warning: This tab includes settings that could negatively impact the performance of the Modem, if

set incorrectly. These settings should be modified only by advanced users or if directed by CLEAR

Customer Care.
Port forwarding enables you to direct incoming traffic to specific LAN hosts (computers on your

network) based on the protocol and port number. It is used to play Internet games or provide local

services (such as web hosting) for a LAN group.

Use this tab to enable Universal Plug and Play and set the DMZ IP Addresses:

Enable UPnP IGD: Enable the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) Internet Gateway Device (IGD)

profile to allow certain Windows applications to set up the port forwarding rule dynamically. This

is used when NAT is enabled on the Modem.

DMZ IP Address: A DMZ is a ―Demilitarized Zone‖ between a secure internal network and an

unsecured network such as the internet. Usually devices or computers that need less restrictive

settings are placed in a DMZ. Enter the DMZ IP Address here.

Click ―

APPLY‖ when you’re ready to save the basic Port Forwarding settings.

If you don’t want to make any changes to the basic Port Forwarding settings, click ―


The other tabs (Home, Device Status, and Basic) appear on all screens (tabs) of the Modem Home


At the bottom of every tab of the Modem Home Page, you can click:

Logout: To log out of the Modem.

Reboot: To turn the Modem off and turn it back on.

Reconnect: To reconnect to the Modem, if you’ve lost your connection.

If you’re using your Modem

and are connected to the

internet, click


to open

the Modem Home Page.