Chrysler 2004 Concorde User Manual
Page 229

5. Remove the speed control servo screw.
6. Lift and prop the crossmember above the headlamp on
the side being serviced, and remove the electrical con-
nectors from the headlamp.
7. Pull headlamp up and under crossmember to remove
it from the vehicle.
8. Remove the bulb retaining ring by turning it counter-
clockwise. Pull the bulb and socket assembly from the
housing and pull the bulb from the socket.
9. Install a new headlight bulb in the socket, reinstall the
bulb and socket assembly and tighten the retaining ring.
Do not touch the new bulb with your fingers. Oil
contamination will severely shorten bulb life.
If the bulb comes into contact with any oily surface,
clean the bulbs with rubbing alcohol.
10. Reinstall the headlight assembly, replace the electri-
cal connectors from the headlamp and lower the cross-
member back on the headlamp.
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