Olympus Stylus 100 Wide User Manual

Stljlus 100 wide, Oiympus

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Stylus 100 Wide Specifications


Fully automatic 35mm autofocus lens-shutter camera

with built-in 28mm - 100mm zoom lens

Film Format

35mm standard DX-coded film (24mm x 36mm)


Olympus 28mm - 100mm zoom lens, f4.6 - f11.9, 7
elements in 7 groups


Programmed electronic shutter


Real-image zoom viewfinder with autofocus mark, close-
up correction mark, autofocus and flash indicators


11-point multi-wide passive-type autofocus, Focus lock

Focusing range: Wide 2.0' (0.6 m) - infinity, Tele 2.6'
(0.8 m) - infinity

Exposure Control Programmed automatic exposure control, switchable

from 3-zone light metering to spot metering

Exposure range: Wide EV2.4 (f4.6, 4 sec.) - EV16 (f10.2,

1/630 sec.), Tele EV5.1 (f11.9, 4 sec.) - EV17 (f18, 1/410 sec.)

Exposure Counter Progressive type with automatic reset, Displayed on

LCD panel

Electronic, Approx. 12 sec. delay

Infrared, Approx. 3 sec. delay


Optional Remote

Film Speed Range Automatic setting with DX-coded ISO 50 - 3200 film,

Intermediate film speeds automatically set to next lower
speed, Non-DX coded film and film with less than ISO
50 automatically set to ISO 100

Film Transport Automatic loading (automatically advances to first

frame when back cover is closed), Auto frame advance,
Auto rewind (auto activation at end of film or with
rewind button)


Built-in flash, Recycle time approx. 0.5 sec. - 5.5 sec. at
normal temperature with new battery

Flash Working With ISO 100 color negative film: Wide 2.0' - 15.1'

(0.6 m - 4.6 m), Tele 2.6' - 5.9' (0.8 m - 1.8 m)
With ISO 400 color negative film: Wide 2.0' - 30.2'
(0.6 m - 9.2 m), Tele 2.6' - 11.8' (0.8 m - 3.6 m)

Flash Modes Auto (automatic flash activation in low light), Auto with

Red-Eye Reduction, Night Scene (max. shutter speed 2
sec.), Red-Eye Reduction Night Scene, Fill-In (forced

activation), Off

Battery Check Displayed on LCD panel

Power Source

One 3V lithium battery (CR-123A or DL-123A)


4.6" W x 2.4" H x 1.7" D (117 x 61.5 x 42.5 mm) excluding



7.8 oz. (220g) without film and battery


Data imprinted onto film from lens side, Data displayed


on LCD panel, Formats: No data, Year-month-day,

Month-day-year, Day-month-year, Day-hour-minute
Calendar: Automatic up to year 2035


Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer.
©2002 Olympus America Inc. C1373-1002

StLjlus 100 WIDE