Limited united states warranty, How to obtain warranty service – Toshiba CZ 36T31 User Manual

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Limited United States Warranty

Tosliibn Aiiioricii C'onsimicr f'roducts. ino. <“TAC'P‘') and Toshibii Hawaii Inc. CTHI") iiiakc the tbilowing limiicd warniniics. These limited warranties extend
u> the original consumer pureliaser or any person receiving this set as a gilt Iroiii the original consumer purchaser and to no other purchaser or translerec

Limited One (1) Year Warranty
and TH! warrant this product and its parts against delects in materials or
workmanship lor a period ot'oiie( I ) year after the dale of original retail purchase

During this period. TACT and TIM will repair or rcpiaee a defective part, at their

option, with a nev\ or ivlurbished pait, willioul elitirge to you. TACP'THl

Aiithori/ed Ser\ lec Station personnel will come to your home when warranty
ser\'icc is rcLjihred. Depending on the type of repair required, the serx iee will
cither be perfoiincd in your home or the set will be taken to the ТЛСТ/ТИ1
Authori/ed Service Station for repaii and i etui ned to your home at no et)si to you.

Limited Two (21 Year Warranty of Picture Tube
Т.ЛГР and TIN furiher warrant the pielure lube in this produel agains! del'cels


materials or workmanship fora penodofiwoi2)yearsaiieriheda!eoforigitial

retail purchase. During this period. ТЛСР and Till will repair or replace a
‘.leleelive piciuie luhe. at their tiplion. vx ith n new or relurbislied picture uihe
without charge to you, except that i fa defeelix c picture lube i> replaced a fier one
( I ) yoai' from the date of the original retail purchase, you pay labor charges

involved in the replacement.

Rental Units

The w arraniy for rental units begins with the lirsl rental orthirty (30) days from

the dale of shipment to the rental ilrm, whichever comes fiiM.

Commercial Units

Products sold and used for commercial use have a limited ninety (90) day

warranty for all parts, labor and pielure lube.

Owner's Manual and Demographic Card

^'ou should read this owner's manual thoroughly before operating this product.
^ ou should complete and mat! the enclosed Demographic card within ten days

after you, orthe person w ho has given you this product as a gift, purchased this
product. Tliis is one way to enable TACIVfHl to provide you with better
cLislomer service and improved products, failure lo retui'ii ilie Demographic
card will not affect your rights under this warranty.

Your Responsibility
The above warranties arc subjeet to the following conditions

(11 You must retain your bill of sale or provide other proof ot'purchase.
(2) All warranty serv icing of this product must be made by an .\uthori/ed

I ,\t'PTHl Service Station.

(3) I licse warranties are effective only if the product is purchased and

operated in the U.S.A.or Puerto Rico.

(4) Labor service charges for set installation, sot up, adjustment ofeusloiiier

eonlrois and installation or repair of antenna systems are not co\ ered hy this
warranty. Reception problems caused by inadequate antenna systems are
your responsibility.

(,S) Warranties extend only to defects in materials or workmanship as limited

above and do nut extend to any product or pari.s which have been lost or
discarded by you or to damage to products or parts caused by misuse,
accident, damage caused by Acts of God, such as lightning or lluctuaiions

in electric power, improper installalion. improper maintenance or use in
violation of instructions furnished by ust or to units which have been
modified or had the serial number removed, altered, defaced or rendered


How to Obtain Warranty Service

If after following all ofihe operating instructions in this manual and checking the

section "BbbORU CALLING SLRVlCL PLRSONNEL", you find that service

In the Continental United States contact:

is needed;

(1) Call th.j TACT toll free number


after you find a ddcclivo

product or pari to find the nearest TOSHIBA Authorized Service Station.

(2j Please present your bill of sale or other proof lo the Authorized Service

1 Toll Free ® J


\ 1-800-631-3811


"TACP/THI Authorized Service Station personnel will come to yourhomc
when waiTanty service is required. Depending on the type of repair required,
the service will either be performed in your home or the set w ill be taken to
the TACP/THl Authorized Service Station for repair and returned lo your

In Hawaii contact:

home at no cost to you."

Toshiba Hawaii, Inc. 327 Kamakcc Street, Honolulu, Hawaii
96SI4(H«8) 521-5377


All warranties implied by state law, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are expressly limited to the duration

{ilThc limiierl warranties set foril'i above. With the exception of any warranties implied by slate law as hereby limiied, the foregoing warranty is exclusive and in

lieu of all other warranties, guarantees, agreemems and similar obligations of manutacUircr or seller with respect to the repair or replacement of any parts In no

event shall TACÍ’ or Till be hable for eonsequeniial or incidental damages.

No person, agent, distributor, dealer or company is authon/.ed to change, modify or extend the terms of these warranties in any manner whatsoever. 1'he time within
which action must be commenced to enforce any obligation of TACT or THl arising under this warranty or under any statute, or law^ of the United States or any
slate thereof, is hereby limiteil lo 90 days from the dale you discover or should have discovered, the defect. This limitation does not apply to implied warranties
arising under state law'.

■fhis warranty gives you spccillc legal rights and you may also have other rights w hich may vary from state to state. Some stales do not allow limitation on how

long an implied warranty lasts, wlicii an aelion ma) he hroughl, or tlte exclusion or limitation ol incidental or consequential damages, so the above pii)visions may

not apply lo you

Canadian consuméis are requested to complete the special C'atuidian "Warranty Kegislralion I'orm" enclosed, and forward this completed form

with a eopy o I bill ol sale to I OSI11 li A Of- C .AN AD A to "Register and Validate ' their warrants-.

Products purchased in the l .S,A. and used in Canada are not covered hy these warranties.
Products purchased in C'anada and used in the

are not covered by these warranties.

Rev. 09-0]-98


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