Bridging precautions, Switches & controls – Crest Audio Stereo Amplifier User Manual

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Crest Audio Pro Series Power Amplifiers

Bridging Precautions

Use extreme caution when operating the amplifier in the bridged mode; as potentially lethal voltage may be present at the output ter-
minals. Never ground either side of the speaker cable when the amplifier is in the bridged mode; both sides are hot. If an output patch
panel is used, all connections must be isolated from each other and from the panel. The recommended minimum nominal load imped-
ance in the bridged mode is 4

(equivalent to driving both channels at 2

). Driving bridged loads of less than 4

will activate the IGM

circuitry resulting in a loss of power, and may also cause a thermal overload.

Switches & Controls

AC Power Switch/Circuit Breaker

The Professional Series amplifiers have a combination AC switch/circuit breaker on the front panel. If the switch shuts off during nor-
mal use, push it back to the ON position once. If it will not stay on, the amplifier needs servicing. The 10001 has two AC switch/cir-
cuit breakers (one for each channel); the 10004 has two, one for each twin-channel amp.

Input Attenuators

Whenever possible, set the attenuators fully clockwise to maintain optimum system headroom. The input attenuator controls (one for
channel A, one for channel B) located at the front panel adjust gain for their respective amplifier channels in all modes. See the spec-
ifications at the end of this manual for standard voltage gain and input sensitivity information.

When operating a Professional Series amplifier in the bridged mode, both attenuators must be in the same position so the speaker load
will be equally shared between the channels. See the section on Bridged Mono Operation for more information and precautions.

Note: on the Model 7301, channel attenuators are labeled "LOWS" and "HIGHS", corresponding to the low and high frequency mon-
itor output channels.

Mode Select Switch

The rear panel Mode Select Switch determines whether the amplifier is in the stereo, parallel, or bridged mono mode. Do not operate
the Mode Select Switch with the amplifier powered on. See the sections on Stereo and Bridged Mono Mode for more information.

Note: On the 10004 model, there are two Mode Select Switches on the rear panel. The Model 7301 power amplifier does not have a
Mode Select Switch. For more information, see the Model 7301 section.

Signal Ground Lift Jumper

In a properly designed system (for safety and to minimize noise), the amplifier should receive its ground from the AC line cord.
Whenever possible, the signal source equipment should share the same AC ground as the amplifier(s). In some cases, however, this may
result in a ground loop. If this happens, remove the ground lift jumper (supplied) on the rear barrier strip. This jumper electrically con-
nects the signal ground (Pin 2) to the chassis/AC ground (Pin 1). If the jumper is removed, the signal ground is lifted and completely
isolated from the chassis/AC ground. Do not remove the jumper if the amplifier and the signal source equipment are not on the same
AC ground.

Note: On the Model 10004 power amplifier, there are two (2) signal ground lift jumpers.

Connecting amplifier outputs to oscilloscopes or other test equipment while the
amplifier is in bridged mode may damage both the amplifier and test equipment!