Technical specifications, 7hfkqlfdo 6shflilfdwlrqv – CREATIVE Web Cam User Manual

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Technical Specifications A-1


Technical Specifications

Features and

❑ Colour VGA (640x480) CMOS image sensor
❑ 4 MB of on-board non-volatile memory for image storage
❑ LCD counter display to indicate number of pictures left and mode of stills capture
❑ Snapshot button
❑ LEDs to indicate powered-on state and camera readiness state
❑ High-quality, 5-element, scratch-resistant, adjustable focus, glass lens with range of 6 inches

to infinity

❑ Built-in optical viewfinder
❑ Built-in Piezo transducer to provide audio cues
❑ Mode selector for four different modes of still capture:

Single snapshot

Multiple snapshot (user can define number of snapshots and time between snapshots)

Time-delayed snapshot (user can define delay)

Time-delayed multiple snapshot (user can define number of snapshot, time between
snapshots and delay)

❑ When detached:

Capable of capturing in excess of 72 640x480 sized still pictures

Images are stored natively in JPEG format