CREATIVE Web Cam User Manual

Page 21

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1-8 Installing WebCam Go

9. When the Light Frequency Selection

dialog box appears (see Figure 1-8),
click the Yes button and then click the
option button that represents your
power supply frequency if you use
fluorescent lighting.
Otherwise, click the No button.

10. Click the OK button.


If you are prompted to insert the
Windows 98 CD-ROM, proceed to step
10ii. Otherwise, skip to step 11.

ii. Click the OK button.

iii. In the Insert Disk dialog box, browse

to the Win98 folder and then click the
OK button.

iv. Click the OK button again.

11. Restart the system.

12. After the system has restarted, proceed to install the applications for WebCam Go.

Remove the Windows 98 CD-ROM and insert the WebCam Go CD into the CD-ROM drive.
The setup program runs automatically and a dialog box that lists the available applications

13. Select the applications you want to install, except for Internet Explorer (IE) 5.0, and then

click the OK button.
Note: If you want to install IE, restart the system, run D:\CTRUN\CTRUN.EXE, deselect
all the other applications, and select IE.

14. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

Depending upon the applications you choose to install, you may be asked if you want to
restart your computer at the end of the installation routine. Select No whenever you are
asked until all the drivers and applications have been installed. Then, restart your computer.

Figure 1-8: The Light Frequency Selection dialog box.