Product support, Пиги transimupmoae – Sharp Y0-P5 User Manual
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пиги transimupmoae
conversion (editable) and 9 types of tmit conversion
The Organizer offers an English-Spanish bi-directional
word translation function.
1. TaniE-«^^ to enter the English »Spansh
translation mode.
Tan lE-<»-sitwice (orleo-srthen 0) to enter
Spanish English mode.
Enter the desired source word and taOilENTERl.
“English...” or “Spanish...“ is displayed while
conducting search. The matching
English or Spanish word will then be displayed.
• When the syrnhol appears, more letters exist
To view remaining letters of long words that
cannot be accommodated on the screen, useE to
scroll right
• If there is no matching word. "NOT FOUNDi” is
displayed- The word next in alphabetical order will
then be displayed.
• Tap 121 or Ivl to scroll through word list, or edit
entry using the keyboard, and tap
another search.
• Tap S or® to return to the source word.
• Spanish words stored in this device are those of
• Only the masculine form of the noun will be
displayed for nouns with both masculine and
feminine forms.
• Sometimes, two identical words will appear in the
word list
• Enter European characters and spaces correctly.
Otherwise, the unit may not be able to complete
the search.
i. Clteckiag memoiy storage
1. Tap iiEuscHEDftgMo! several times to display
“NAME?", “SCHEDULE?”. Of “МШО?”.
Tap landjiMErrul. select
using S or B. and tap
iEMTERi. The number of
9 9
remaining bytes is displayed fariefly.
N o t e s
• The Organizer can store up to 34070 bytes in the
memory (excluding the Calculator mode memory).
♦ One byte is required per character (in the 1st line) for
telephone, schedule, and memo entries.
• One byte is requited for 2 digits in the number part
(in the 2nd and the 3rd lines) of telephone and memo
entries. (When there is an odd number of digits tea
number entry, the last digit occupies 1 byte.)
* In addition to the memory size for characters (in the
1st line) and numbers (in the 2nd and the 3rd lines),
each entry requires the following memory size:
Telephone entry ......... .. 6 bytes
Schedule entry________ 8 bytes (including date and
Memo entry___________ 3 bytes
2. Deleting all the memory coatents
Perform steps 2 and 3 as described in the section,
“Using the Organizerfor the First Time".
• To cancel the ddetion operation, tap any key EXCEPT
FQRIan LIMITCD WJIRBAIITY SHARP ELECTRQfilCS CORPORATWH vairanis tc tbclirst taosuin« purchas« ttoi iWs Sbaip bond pioiwct Uhc "Fiodud*). v;bcn sbippsdw ils ct^nal pari thereo! untha. nevu or remanutictuted equivalenrat no charge ta the purchaser tor parts or tabor for the puiodts) set tortb beioa This watraniyr does not apply to any ;^arance items of the Produa ror to the additional axcUided iiem(s) set forth besckv nor to any Product tiia »lerior ot [r order to enforce the rights untlar this limited warrant', the purchaser should toffoiu the steps set forth below andprovide proof cf purchase № ibesetviccc The llmitfiduananty desaibed herein is la addit on to whatever unplled vr^rardies may be granted to pw^eo by lave, ALL tldpua) WAARAHISS Nsithar the sates personnel of Itie seUer norany cihef person Is authorized to make any vmr.^.tres other tiiao dwse described herein, or lo cxleod the (M khi of any warranties beyond the time period descnHed berein on behalf of Sliarp. The ’Narramies descn'bed hereit^ shdt be the ano viaiiantles granted by Sharp and shad ba soieaiuf ex^vt leinedy available lo Iba purchaser. Correction of defects, in Ihe inanr>er and lor the peried of tine dtscnbsd herein, siiail constitute complete fuilillment of alt liatehliesaua rtspoosIbiiHIes of Siou in no event Shan Sharp be liable, or m any way responsible, tor any damages or defects in the Product «hich vvere caosedby repairs oraliempted repairs THIS WARRANTY GWES YOU SPECIFIC LEGALRIGHTS. YOU ViPif ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHIS WHICT VARY FROM STATETO STATE Seclronic Organizer One (t t ysarparts and labor from date of putchase: Any consumable Items such as paper, naintenance cartridge, ink cartridges suppKect witii the Producioi >U i Sharp Auihori^ Servteer located In the UnUed States. To lind oot the lootion of iiie prarest Sbaip Auiborized Servicer. cailSharp-iotl &eeat l-BOCFBE-SHAHR Ship (p(ep:^\ sr carry in your Product to г Sharp Authorized Seruiese Be sure tohavepioct ci purchase aiadabls. tt you ship or mail the Product be it is paciaged careful^. TO OBTAIN SUPPLY. ACCESSORY OR PRODUCT INFORMATION. CALL 1-8D0-BE-SHAHP. PRODUCT SUPPORT If you have read the ORGANIZER operation manuaL Call Sharp Customer Assistance Center (7am lo 7pm CST M-F) Visit eur Web Site Send an E-mail SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION Sharp Plaza, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430-1163 Write to our Customer Assistance Center 1300 Naperville Drive
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<(vhicii lias been damaged or defaced, »hicb has been subiecled to improper voltage or other misuse, abocrmal service or handSog. ot vjhkb has been altered
or modified in des'gnoc cQnstnjctton
FORTH BELOW. Some sUdes do not anow ItmitaEons. on ho» long an implied na/ranry lasts, so tlte above liiRitatian may not apply to you.
№ the purchaser wilh respect lo the Produef, and shall constAute full satisfaction of sU daims. whether hosed on conltad. mgiioeucs. sbid nabiSty or olhe'cis?
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property danage. Some slates do not alto»! Tbdexdu&on of inddanial or consequential damages, so the abcveexdusics nay not apply to vou.
to any equipment or any hardware, saltware, tirmwaie, fluorescent lamp, powercerds, covers, rubber piuts. orperiph*
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hut you still require product support you cam
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