Healthier Choice HEALTHIERCHOICE Carpet Cushion User Manual
Healthier choice, Installation

401 JONES STREET | DALTON, GA 30720-3464 | PHONE (800) 872-8426 | PHONE (706) 275-0345 | FAX (706) 226-8293 | WWW.HEALTHIERCHOICE.COM
Stretch-in installation involves installing carpet under tension over carpet cushion. The carpet is fastened to
tack strips at all walls and other vertical abutments around the perimeter of the area. The procedures
presented here are consistent with carpet industry standards such as those described in CRI 105 Section 7.
• Sub-floors must be structurally sound and free of any foreign objects that might compromise
the cushion or its intended use.
• Installation should not commence until the HVAC system is operational and the indoor
temperature is between 65ºF to 95ºF and the humidity ranges from 10% to 65%.
NOTE: These conditions must be maintained for at least 48 hours prior to, during, and 72 hours
after installation completion. It is recommended that a minimum indoor temperature of 50ºF
be maintained consistently regardless of the age of the installation. Allow carpet and cushion
to acclimate to ambient conditions per carpet manufacturer’s recommendations.
• Install appropriate tack strips per carpet manufacturer’s recommendation.
• Install cushion with the foam side up and the woven material side down to the sub-floor.
NOTE: The foam skin of our carpet cushion acts as a moisture barrier, the polypropylene fabric
on the back of our cushion is there for dimensional stability, it is not a moisture barrier and
should be installed down to the subfloor.
• Carpet cushion should be installed in the longest continuous lengths possible, with the
seams placed at right angles to the carpet seams or at least 6-inches to one side of the carpet seam.
• Cut the cushion with a sharp utility knife and where possible, fold the cushion over and
cut from the back side through the polypropylene fabric.
• Cushion should be installed flush with the inside contour of the tack strip and securely
fastened to the sub-floor with staples or adhesive at the seams and around the perimeter of each room.
CAUTION: Do not make tight fitting compression seams.
• Cushion seams should be made up loosely and covered with 2-inch wide moisture resistant tape to
achieve moisture barrier protection and to prevent cushion seams from showing through carpet.
• Install carpet per manufacturer’s recommendation. Do not glue carpet to the cushion.
This product is not designed for double-glue installations.
Healthier Choice