Carl Goldberg GPMA1940 EP Falcon ARF User Manual

Page 14

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To takeoff from the ground, simply set the model down facing

directly into any prevailing breeze. Smoothly, but rapidly
advance the throttle all the way using the rudder to steer the

Falcon straight until it lifts into the air.

Fly the Falcon gently at reduced throttle settings until you get

it trimmed for straight-and-level fl ight. Once you get the Falcon
trimmed, note how it reacts to sudden bursts of full power. If the

Falcon climbs too much a small amount of down elevator trim
or a slight amount of additional nose weight may be required.

Continue to fl y the Falcon around getting used to how it reacts.
Make mental notes about any adjustments to the control throws
or any handling characteristics that may be required to suit
your taste. When the timer sounds, land the Falcon into the
wind (if fl ying outdoors).

Note that the Falcon can perform barrel rolls and fl y inverted,
but the roll rate is rather slow, so prepare for this with plenty
of altitude until you get a feel for how it responds. The rudder
and elevator are more responsive.

One fi nal note about fl ying your model; have a goal or fl ight plan

in mind for each fl ight. This can be learning a new maneuver,
improving a maneuver you already know, or experimenting

with different setups (C.G., throws, etc.). The main reason for
this isn’t necessarily to improve your skills (though it is never a
bad idea!), but more importantly so you do not surprise yourself
by impulsively attempting a maneuver and suddenly fi nding
that you’ve run out of time, altitude or airspeed because you

didn’t think ahead. Every maneuver should be planned and
deliberate—not impulsive. For example, even for something
simple as a loop, mind your altitude and wind direction and
make sure you’re on the desired control rates (high, low) before
impulsively yanking back on the stick! A fl ight plan greatly
reduces the chances of crashing your model just because
of poor planning and impulsive moves. Remember to think!

Have a ball!

But always stay in control and fl y in a safe manner.