Connecting the pump to the circuit, Operating conditions, Warranty – AXEON Fluid-O-Tech User Manual
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b) Motor with B14 or NEMA 56C mounting
• Make sure that the motor is unplugged
from the electric line
• Mount the motor side of the coupling on the motor
• Tighten the set screw (only for the couplings
equipped with the set screw)
• Insert the shock absorber in the coupling
on the motor side
• Insert the pump side of the coupling
in the shock absorber
• Mount the adapter on the motor flange
and tighten the screws
• Insert the pump shaft into the coupling
• Position the clamp in order to surmount
the pump and the adapter rings
• Turn the pump to the desired position
• Tighten the clamp using 1 - 1.5 Nm maximum torque.
• Make sure that the clamp screw is tight enough to
prevent the rotation of the pump on the motor.
The drawing here below illustrates the minimum
dimensional requirement of the motor in order to grant
the proper allignment between pump and motor.
Tool AT-190-1 is available upon request to verify
the compliance of the motor to the above mentioned
It’s strongly recommended using, on the inlet port of the
pump, pipes and connections of suitable size for the pump
capacity, (8 mm for “CO 30-200” pumps with capacities
up to 150 l/h, 10 mm for “PO 70-400” series pumps with
capacities up to 500 l/h, 15 mm for “PO 500-1000” pumps
with capacities up to 1000 l/h.
This precaution avoids the possibility of cavitation and
consequent damage of the pump. The pumps - although
identical in their aspect – may have GAS or NPT threaded
ports. The thread of the fit ting should match the thread of
the pump port. If the pump has GAS threads the sealing
is provided by an o-ring which is pressed against the flat
surface of the port. With the NPT thread, the sealing is
provided by the contact between the threads.
In this case a few turns of PTFE tape around the
fittings are necessary. Do not exceed in using PTFE tape
as pieces of it may fall into the pump (especially on the
Inlet side) and cause the pump to fail. The use of pipe
dope (liquid sealant) should be avoided. A particular care
is needed while mounting the fittings, to avoid liquid leaks.
Hold the pump with a wrench in the area marked with the
arrows indicating the inlet-outlet ports and the rotation
sense, without over-tightening. It is recomended not
exceeding 15 Nm torque when tightening the fittings
because the threads on the pump might be damaged.
It is suggested using aluminium sheet on each side of the
pump to avoid damage to the ports. Do not use the motor
as pump support when tightening the fittings, in order to
avoid a possible misalignment and stress of the shafts.
If the pump is made of stainless steel the fittings have to
be made of stainless steel or plastic, not in brass, to avoid
problems of corrosion. The circuit should be carefully
flushed before connecting the pump.
Make sure that the pumped fluid is compatible with the
materials of the pump. For particular applications, please
contact the nearest authorized Fluid-o-Tech distributor.
• Avoid as well to use liquids with temperature higher than
70 °C (158 °F).
• The maximum differential pressure must not exceed
16 bar (230 psi).
• The maximum system pressure must not exceed 20
bar (290 psi).
• A circuit layout with elbows and sudden changes in the
diameter of the pipes, causes turbulence in the water
and resonance in the machine.
This is also worsened when the pump is not fed by the
main water line.
• Although Fluid-o-Tech may give technical support,
the final approval of the pumps is responsibility of the
Customer, in fact the performances and reliability may
be affected by particular operating conditions and/or
hydraulic circuit layout.
The Rotoflow pump is designed to handle clean fluids
only. It is recommended for this reason installing before
the pump a 10 µm filter with a filtering area big enough, so
as not to cause flow-pressure losses in the circuit.
Place the filter at least 50 cm before the inlet port of the
pump in order to avoid cavitation.
It is also important to check periodically the filter
cartridge. In order to keep the filter under control, it is
advisable to install a vacuum gauge before and after the
filter. In case the vacuum increases more than 0,1 bar,
the cartridge should be cleaned or changed.
A dirty filter or an insufficient supply of water causes
cavitation and fast wear of the pump.
The rotary vane pumps are self-priming, but dry running
causes overheating and failure of the mechanical seal and of
the internal components, and therefore potential leaks.
If the line is subject to scarce pressure or flow it is
necessary to fit a low pressure switch before the pump in
order to switch the motor off.
In order to avoid cavitation, if the tank is at atmospheric
pressure, do not install the pump more than 1 m above
the maximum liquid level of the tank.
It is also necessary to protect the system from incidental
overpressures with safety devices such as a pressure relief
valve or a pressure switch connected to the motor.
If possible it’s advisable to install the pump as close as
possible to the tank.
The bypass valve is set from the factory at 12 bar (170 psi)
unless otherwise requested.
The relief valve is not and must not be used as a flow
If used as a flow regulator, the water in excess will
recirculate inside the pump through the relief valve
and the pump will fail.
The maximum differential pressure should be at least
2 bar (29 psi) lower than the relief valve setting in order
to avoid operation with the relief valve open.
The maximum differential pressure must not exceed
16 bar (230 psi).
The rotary vane pumps maintenance, and the
replacement of the parts subject to wear has to be done
by Fluid-o-Tech or authorized repair centers. For the
pump with built-in filter it’s recommended the periodic
cleaning of the filter with alcohol and compressed air.
If the filter is external it’s necessary to clean it or to
replace it periodically.
A dirty filter doesn’t allow the flow of the liquid through it
and causes cavitation and fast wear of the internal parts
of the pump.
• A few drops of water from the drain holes of the pump
are normal during the first hours of operation.
In case the leaking persists, contact Fluid-o-Tech.
Every new pump manufactured by Fluid-o-Tech is
guaranteed to be free of defects in workmanship and
material when leaving the factory for a period of 12 months
from the production date stamped on the pump’s housing,
plus a period of 3 months to cover the warehouse and
transit time, or for a period of maximum 15 months for the
purchasing date to the for product use. In no event shall
this period exceed 15 months from date of original invoice.
Fluid-o-Tech will repair or replace at its judgement part
or all of the product not conforming to this warranty.
Fluid-o-Tech’s responsibility under this warranty is limited to
the repair or replacement of defective equipment returned
to us on an F.O.B. basis, providing that our analysis
discloses that such part or parts were defective at the time
of sale.
The warranty is not recognized if:
• The directions on how to handle, install or operate the
pump are disregarded
• The pump has been disassembled or modified by
anyone other than a Fluid-o-Tech (or authorized by
Fluid-o-Tech) engineer or repaired with non original
• The pump operated dry or in cavitation
• Solid extraneous particles are found in the pump
• Evident signs of over pressure are observed (over 250
psi for the pumps with flow rate up to 1.000 l/h and
260 psi for the pumps with flow rate between 1.000
l/h and 2.400 l/h
• The pump has been utilized for an application for which
it was not intended to be used where the operating
conditions and/or the pumped liquid were incompatible
with the pump itself and such application has not been
specifically approved by Fluid-o-Tech
• In case of pumps equipped with relief valve, the
operating pressure results to be less than 1 bar below
the relief valve setting
The adjustment or replacement of defective parts made
under this warranty will not extend the original warranty
Ш 47.5
Ш 38.2
+0.08 -0
+0.02 -0.06
0.5 x 45°
13.9 MIN
Ø 11 MIN
6.8 MIN
0.045 A
All dimensions are in mm