Awntech Chicago RC44 User Manual
Page 3

STEP 5: Connect the Left Projection Curve to Rib1-Rib4 and Right Projection Curve to
Rib5-Rib8. Make sure that the Velcro on the Projection Curves facing up
STEP 6: Then assemble both Projection Curves with the Front Bar (FB) and make sure
that the Velcro on the Front Bar (FB) is facing up
STEP 7: (For larger sizes only) – Connect the Center Ribs to the Top Bar and the Front
STEP 8: (For larger sizes only) – Wall Supports (WS) are used as projection supports.
Use them only as needed and can only be installed after the awning is up on the wall to
give projection support.
STEP 9: Fit the fabric over the frame with the valance hanging down below the (P) bars.
STEP 10: Once you are satisfied with the position of the cover on the frame, wrap the
Velcro strips on the fabric tabs around the exterior bars. Pull the tabs snugly and attach
them to the pre-installed Velcro tape on the bars.
STEP 11: Place the awning on the wall and make adjustments to choose the ideal
location. Mark the bottom of the frame after you have centered it on the opening that
you are covering.
STEP 12: Using a pencil and a level, mark a horizontal line as wide as your awning at
that height. Verify that it is centered on the space.
STEP 13: From the inside of the awning, make (2) marks on the wall 6” up from that
line where the awning frame touches the wall. This is where the bottom of the brackets
will be placed.
STEP 14: From the inside of the awning, make two marks on the wall 12” down and out
from the top center of the awning where the Rib1 and Rib8 bars touch the wall. Make
another mark at the center of (TB). This is where the top brackets will be placed.
STEP 15: Install the brackets to the wall with the following hardware and tools: (The
long leg of the bracket is against the wall and faces toward the inside of the awning.)
CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS: (1) ½” masonry bit with a 3/8” shank, (5-8)
5/16”x 3” masonry anchor bolts, 9/16” socket. You will also need a roll of weather
METAL BUILDINGS: (1) 2x6x8 #2YP cut into 12” blocks for the back side of
the metal, (5-8) 5/16”x 4” lag bolts, (5-8) 5/16” washers, rubber installation strips
(in the shape of the metal) and a 3/8” drill bit. Bolt through the washer, the
bracket and the metal into wood blocks behind the metal. Before tightening the
bracket insert the rubber strips between the building and the awning.
ANY TYPE OF SIDING: (5-8) ¼”x 4” toggle bolts, (5-8) ¼” washers, (1) Flat
head screwdriver (1) ½ drill bit (or if you hit a stud): (5-8) 5/16”x4” lag bolts, (5-
8) 5/16” washers, (1) 3/16” drill bit and a 9/16” socket. You will also need a roll of
weather stripping.
CONCRETE, BRICK OR STONE: (1) ½ masonry bit with a 3/8” shank, (5-8)
5/16”x 3” masonry anchor bolts, (5-8) 5/16”x1/4” bushings, 9/16” socket. You will
also need a roll of weather stripping.
STUCCO: (5-8) ¼”x 4” toggle bolts, (5-8) ¼” washers, (1) Flat head screwdriver
(1) ½ drill bit (or if you hit a stud): (4) 5/16”x4” lag bolts, (5-8) 5/16” washers, (1)
3/16” drill bit and a 9/16” socket. You will also need a roll of weather stripping.