Ameri-King TS-451 User Manual
Page 95

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Step b: Convert your desired country code from binary format to hex format
A country code in binary format must always be 12 digits long (xxxx xxxx xxxx).
Our current country code in binary format is: xx10 1100 0110
For [Long Message, Location Protocol] the first 2 digits are always “10”
Æ Our current country code in binary format will be 1010 1100 0110
NOTE: Any other blank digits after the first 2 digits will be “0”
Example: Belgium (205) Æ xxxx 1100 1101 Ж 1000 1100 1101 Ж 8CD
Using “TABLE 3: Hexadecimal to Binary conversion table” on page 7 to convert the
above binary code to hex format. We have: AC6
Step 2:
with AC6
Enter your desired
country code in
decimal format here
Click on this button to
convert your desired
country code from decimal
format to binary format
Your desired country
code in binary format
will appear here