Important info. read – ALM ALM003 User Manual
Page 14

Vintage SID chips are a very old technology and known to run hot and pull a lot of
current. If you decide to use a vintage SID chip (instead of a modern ‘SwinSID’ chip)
with the SID GUTS;
• Make sure your power supply has adequate power available (~200 milliamps).
• Make sure your case has plenty of space around the module to allow air flow and/
or good ventilation.
• The supplied heat sinks should be attached to the two regulators on the rear of
the module. The regulators should be bent up slightly and the heat sinks securely
attached by sliding them on. They will remain slightly raised via the small ‘leg’ at
the top of the regulator (closest to SID chip):
• A vertical case is recommended (heat flows up!).
ALM Busy Circuits accepts no responsibility for damage done when using vintage
SID chips. Do so at your own risk. TAKE CARE.
The use of the alternative more modern SwinSID is recommended.
ALM-003 - ‘SID GUTS’