5 deflation and break down – Advanced Elements AE1040 User Manual
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then screw the adaptor down to secure it. Inflate the two bottom side chambers partially,
approx 5 pumps.
2. Locate the valves for the two top side chambers. These valves operate the same as the bottom
side chambers. Inflate the two chambers partially, approx 5 pumps.
3. Once you have partially inflated the main chambers, move to the rear thwart and inflate it
until firm (2.0 psi ONLY). Do not over inflate! As you are inflating the rear thwart, make sure
the bottom of the thwart is as even as possible with the floor of the kayak. Also, make sure
the main chambers are remaining alongside the thwart and not pressing under the thwart.
4. Move to the front thwart and inflate it until firm (2.0 psi ONLY). Do not over inflate! As you
are inflating the front thwart, follow the same guidelines as the rear thwart.
5. Once the thwarts are fully inflated and in position, return to the two bottom side main
chambers and inflate each until firm (4.5 psi ONLY). Do not over inflate!
6. Move to the two top side main chambers and inflate each until firm (4.5 psi ONLY). Do not
over inflate!
a. Tip: A good way to gauge if your kayak is fully inflated is to pick it up by the handle at
one end and give it a good bounce. If it flexes quite a bit, or sags, it needs more air.
7. Inflate Cockpit Coaming (1.0 psi ONLY). Do not over inflate! See Figure 2.
8. Once all chambers are inflated, use the yellow Velcro loop, located at the rear of the cockpit
on the underside of the kayak deck, to store the Rear Thwart inflation hose. The inflation hose
for the Front Thwart can be placed on top of the left Main Inflation Chamber, in-between the
outer skin and tube, and held in place by using the yellow Velcro loop located in that area.
3.5 Deflation and Break Down
1. Unscrew the valve bodies to the Main Inflation tubes and the Front and Rear Thwarts. See
Figure 1.
2. Open Twist Valve on Coaming.
3. Once the chambers are deflated, you can use your pump to vacuum out any additional air for
improved folding.
4. Remove Poles #4 and #5 from each side of the kayak, and collapse each pole by pulling apart
and folding at the shock corded ends.
5. Remove Pole #6 from the deck sleeve and collapse by pulling apart and folding at the shock
corded end.
6. Take hold of Locking Sleeve #3 and depress the push button on Pole #1. Slide Locking Sleeve
#3 onto Pole #2. CAUTION: Keep your hands on Poles # 1 and #2 to keep them from
springing upwards and causing any injury to you or the kayak.
7. Disconnect Poles #1 and #2 and pull Pole #2 out of the kayak. Pull Locking Sleeve #3 off of the
end of Pole #2 and remove Pole #2 from the Rear Thwart Sleeve.
8. Pull Pole #1 out of the kayak and remove it from the Front Thwart Sleeve.
a. Tip: To keep from losing Locking Sleeve #3, slide it onto Pole #1 and snap it into place
over the push button.
9. Collapse each pole by pulling apart and folding at the shock corded ends.
NOTE: Leave Bow and Stern Ribs in place inside of the kayak.
10. Remove the foam floor.