Acura 2010 ZDX - Advanced Technology Guide User Manual

Page 7

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C u s t o m i z i n g S e t t i n g s

S t o r i n g A u d i o a n d C l i m a t e C o n t r o l S e t t i n g s

Some examples on how to program vehicle settings.

1. Turn the vehicle on.

2. Store your desired stations on

the preset buttons and adjust
your preferred audio sound
levels (BASS, TREBLE, etc.).

3. Set your preferred climate

control settings (fan speed,
temperature, etc.).

4. Once you turn the car off,

your preferred settings are
saved and activated by the
corresponding remote (1 or 2).

D r i v i n g P o s i t i o n M e m o r y S y s t e m ( D P M S )

1. Turn the ignition switch to

ON (II). Shift into Park (P).

3. Press and hold the SET button

until you hear a beep, then

2. Adjust your preferred seat,

steering wheel, and outside
mirror settings.

4. Press and hold the memory

button # corresponding to the
remote (1 or 2) you are using
until you hear two beeps.

* See Customized Settings in your owner’s manual for other programmable settings.


For added convenience, the area behind your vehicle is displayed to help you
navigate while in Reverse (R).

When you shift into
Reverse, a real-time
image of the area behind
your vehicle, along with
helpful parking guide
lines, shows in the
monitor. It automatically
turns off when you shift
out of Reverse.

H o w I t W o r k s

Press and hold the power
button for about 3 seconds.

A d j u s t i n g t h e V i e w M o d e ( B a s e M o d e l )

T u r n i n g t h e G u i d e L i n e s

O n o r O f f

Press and release the power
button within 3 seconds of
shifting into Reverse.

T u r n i n g t h e R e a r v i e w

M o n i t o r O n o r O f f

Press and hold CANCEL for
about 3 seconds.

A d j u s t i n g t h e V i e w M o d e ( T e c h / A d v a n c e P a c k a g e )

T u r n G u i d e L i n e s

O n o r O f f

S w i t c h i n g V i e w s

Note: Each group of settings is activated by the corresponding remote
transmitter (1 or 2) when it's used to unlock the driver's door. When activated,
each item begins to adjust before you enter the vehicle.

Base Model


There are 3 rearview modes.
Press ENTER to toggle between
views. Turn the Interface Dial to
adjust the screen brightness.


