Acronova NK50V User Manual
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Start Labeling Discs with NK50V System
When the NK50V system is hardware ready, follow the steps below to start labeling
Load the NK50V with ink-jet printable discs with the
printable side faced up.
When the disc loader is empty, do not attempt to load
many discs at once.
First, carefully load only one disc into the disc loader
and assure it is firmly resting on the three wheels seen
in the illustration to the right. You may then gradually
load additional discs on top of the first disc, until the
loader is full.
Launch utility software MyNK50V. Go to
Main Menu, click the “Start NK50V”
button to activate NK50V.
The system may take up to one minute
to detect NK50V. Patiently wait until the
status shows ready. The Start NK50V
button shall then turn gray when the
Stop NK50V button lights up.
Before removing NK50V from Epson
printer, always click “Stop NK50V” to
deactivate the device.
When NK50V is Ready, you may launch Epson software to label discs:
• Go to Epson software and open or create a disc label file;
• Set up the number of discs to be labeled;
• Start printing
In addition to Epson software PrintCD, MyNK50V also supports other graphic editing
software, including PhotoShop, Illustrator, CorelDraw and Windows Paint.
Replace Disc Caddy of NK50V
The disc caddy will be worn out after a number of disc printings. When printing quality is
getting poor, please change the disc caddy.
A spare disc caddy shall come with your NK50V. Or, contact your dealer to purchase
additional disc caddies.
Follow the steps below to reject the caddy from NK50V for replacement:
Click the Stop NK50V button on Main
Menu of MyNK50V utility software.
Keep the cable connections among
NK50V, Epson printer and PC.
Hold NK50V with both hands and tilt its
LED end upward to roughly 45 degrees.
Then, gently pull it outward off from the
Give NK50V plenty of room in the front
for the disc caddy to come out.
Go to MyNK50V Main Menu, click File > Reject Disc Caddy. Follow the instructions
on the screen to replace the disc caddy.
• After the disc caddy comes out of NK50V, gently pull it outward and remove it
from NK50V.
• Insert a new disc caddy into the slot where the old one came out. Push the caddy
in until the end is reached.
• Disconnect USB cable from NK50V to PC, turn off NK50V, wait for 15 seconds
and turn it on.
Do not click the Reject Disc Caddy button while NK50V is still attached onto Epson
printer as it may cause permanent damage to the hardware.
After initialization is complete. Re-attach it back onto Epson printer and turn it on.
Reconnect USB cable from NK50V to PC. Wait until the initialization is complete.
Now, try printing a few discs to make sure that replacement caddy is in place.
Q: NK50V does not load disc and Epson Printer Status Monitor Windows shows
“CD/DVD tray not set correctly”…
• It takes a few seconds before NK50V starts loading disc. Wait patiently.
• Check the disc loader and make sure discs are correctly loaded.
• Check MyNK50V Main Menu and make sure NK50V is ready.
• Avoid direct sunlight.
Q: How to cancel the current printing job…
Before next disc is being loaded into NK50V, go to Epson Printer Status Monitor
window, click the Cancel button. Then click the Stop NK50V button on MyNK50V
Main Menu.
Q: How to continue printing after the disc loader run out of discs…
Refilling the disc loader with more than 10 discs. NK50V shall automatically detect
the discs and continue printing until printing job is done.
Q: How to replace Epson printer cartridge and resume printing…
Go to MyNK50V Main Menu, click the Stop NK50V button. Refer to Epson printer
manual to replace cartridge. Then, click the Start NK50V button to resume.
Q: MyNK50V can’t detect or activate NK50V …
• Make sure Epson printer is ready (the LED indicator lights up steady-green).
• Make sure NK50V is ready (the LED indicator lights up steady-green).
• Make sure USB cables are correctly connected among NK50V, Epson printer
and PC.
• Make sure the disk loader is attached on NK50V and the loader cable is correctly
• Remove NK50V from Epson printer. Manually print a few discs to make sure
printer software is successfully installed.
• Remove NK50V from Epson printer. Refer to Install Device Driver section to
make sure NK50V and its device driver are successfully installed.
Q: Epson printer shows error on indicators or error status window…
• Go to MyNK50V Main Menu, click the Stop NK50V button. Turn off Epson printer;
wait for one minute and turn it on.
• Detach NK50V from Epson printer. Test the printer itself to ensure proper
• Refer to Epson printer manual for error message and troubleshooting tips.
Q: Disc caddy gets stuck between NK50V and Epson printer…
Follow the steps below to get the disc caddy out of the system:
• Unplug the USB cable, then turn off NK50V and Epson printer.
• Through the opening on NK50V, try to move the disc caddy into NK50V. Or, move
it into Epson printer.
• Make sure the disc caddy is completely located inside either the NK50V or Epson
printer, then detach NK50V from Epson printer.
• Place NK50Y on a flat surface. In case disc caddy is staying within NK50Y, push
disc caddy inwards with force all the way to the end, then turn on NK50Y to
have it reposition disc caddy during initialization.
• In case disc caddy is staying within Epson printer, turn on the printer and gently
pull the caddy out of the printer. Refer to the Replace Disc Caddy section to re-
insert it back to NK50V.
• Re-attach NK50V to Epson printer and set the system to ready.
Q: Discs does not slide out of the output ramp from NK50V…
• If the disc stays on the ramp, clean the ramp surface.
• If the disc gets stuck in disc caddy, clean the caddy’s sliding surface or replace
with a new caddy. Additional caddies are available for purchasing.
Q: Jammed disc loader or it loads more than one disc at a time…
• Some discs may be sticky and may stuck together. Loose the discs before
loading them into the loader.
• Reduce the quantity of discs in the Loader. Try 15 to 20 discs first.
• Use discs of the same brand and lot. Not to mix various disc brands.
• Remove all discs from the loader. carefully load only one disc into the disc loader
and assure it is firmly resting on the three wheels. You may then gradually load
additional discs on top of the first disc, until the loader is full.
• Try discs of different brands. Some discs are out-of-specification in diameter or
thickness, or even be distorted.
Q: Loud noise from NK50V when disc caddy is moving…
• Make sure both NK50V and Epson printer are being well placed.
• Make sure NK50V is correctly attached onto Epson printer.
• NK50V may need hardware service. Contact technical support.
Q: NK50V shows error by flashing-red indicator…
• Remove all discs from the disc loader. Make sure no disc left in disc caddy.
• Make sure that disc caddy doesn’t get stuck between NK50V and Epson printer.
• If the disc caddy stuck between NK50V and Epson printer, please refer to the
previous troubleshooting tips to reset the disc caddy.
• Reinstall NK50V (refer to the Hardware Installation section).
Loader Capacity:
100 discs with extension rods attached
Operation System:
Device driver and utility software MyNK50V support Windows XP,
Vista and Windows 7
Supported Printer:
Epson’s 6-color, individual ink, photo-quality direct-on-disc
printers, including: Artisan 50, Stylus P50, T50, T60, R280, R285,
R290, EP-301, EP-302, PM-G860...
Disc Caddy:
Dedicated for NK50V and Epson printer use. Additional disc caddy
as spare parts are available for purchasing.
Disc Size:
120 mm in diameter
F to 86
F (6
C to 30
5% to 85%, no condensation
CE and FCC; power adapter is UL approved
249 mm x 254 mm x 248 mm; 9-1/4" x 10" x 9-1/4"
5 lbs; 2.2 kg
100 to 240VAC; 50 or 60 Hz.
Part Number:
Converter kit, turn NK50V to NK50Y
Disc caddy for NK50, twin pack
Disc caddy for NK50, ten pack
Stand set for NK50V
This equipment has been tested and founded to comply with the limits for a Class A
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If this
equipment is not installed and used according to the instructions, it may cause
damaging to the radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to correct the interference by
one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase separation between equipment and receiver.
• Connect equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is located.
• Consult your dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician.
Any changes or modifications to this device that are not expressly approved could void
the user's authority to operate this equipment.
Use of a shielded interface cable is required to comply with the Class A limits of Part 15
of FCC rules.
Visit Acronova Knowledge Base on website at and select
NK50V to search for questions and solutions.
Always contact the local dealer or authorized service partner for first hand assistance.
For further technical support, e-mail us at [email protected].
UserGuide-NK50V-110524.odt, Manual: v3.00, Part #: 712-NK50-9AC6-6
© Copyright 2011, Acronova Technology Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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