0 installing detecting units, 0— troubleshooting – AAF International Shield Detecting Unit User Manual
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5) Cut the other end of the plastic band off using care with a razor
blade, exacto knife, or scissors. It is not necessary to remove all the
plastic band material from the PCB. It is sufficient if the cap is
removable to expose the QCMs reactive element. See Figure 4.
6) The metal cap for the QCM can now be removed as shown in
Figure 5.
7) Insert the QCM-PCB in the appropriate slot as marked on the
Oscillator PCB of the SAAFShield Detecting Unit. See Figure 8.
8) Repeat steps 1-7 for each QCM-PCB.
9) Once all 3 QCM-PCBs have been installed, verify that they are
installed in the appropriately marked slot.
10) Install the outside casing using the 6- screws provided. See
figures 7.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6 - SAAFShield
Detecting Unit with Gold QCM installed
Figure 7 - SAAFShield
Detecting Unit with QCMs and cover installed
4.0 Installing Detecting Units
When determining the reactivity of a room or space within a building,
the SAAFShield Detecting Unit should be placed in a location
representative of the air that contacts the electronics or materials
being protected. This will depend on the setup of the room. If the
protected items are spread out within the space, then an approach
similar to a thermostat should be used. If the protected items are
concentrated in one area inside the space, then a location as close
as possible to them is preferred.
The number of locations inside the control room will depend on the
airflow properties in the space. If the HVAC system mixes the air in
the space very well and it is a small space, then one unit may be
acceptable. If the room has poor air mixing with one location getting
hot while others stay cool, then more than one will be needed. Find a
location which represents the average condition of the air that
contacts the electronics or materials being protected.
When determining the condition downstream of a gas-phase filter or
scrubber to evaluate media performance and life, the SAAFShield
Detecting Unit should be placed after the final particulate filter.
5.0— Troubleshooting
When is it time to replace the QCMs?
Check the sensor life remaining of the QCMs using the SAAFShield
Reading Unit in order to determine the remaining life for each sensor.
What if a connector slot breaks or is not connecting?
In the event that a connector slot breaks or is not connecting, please
contact your AAF sales representative immediately.
What if the sensors break?
In the event that a OCM sensor breaks, please contact your AAF
sales representative. If there is physical damage on the QCM sensor,
the SAAFShield units will not function.