Doepfer MSY2 Midi Sync Interface User Manual
Page 3

MSY2 User's Guide – Page 2
If desired you may connect the Clock output jack to the control input of another device (e.g. the
arpeggiator control input of a synthesizer or a drum machin with separate Clock input) to control it
with a MIDI synchronized Clock signal. Use a suitable cable. Normally a cable with a 1/4" mono
jack plug on one side (device) and a 3.5mm miniatur mono jack plug (MSY2) on the other side will
be used.
MSY2 does not have a built-in power supply. It can be supplied in two different ways:
• power supply via MIDI In
• power supply via external AC adapter
We recommend the power supply with an external AC adapter as this type of power supply will
work under all circumstances. So the factory setting of the power select jumper (see below) is for
external AC adapter.
If you want to supply the MSY2 via MIDI In the MIDI transmitter must correspond 100% to the MIDI
standard, i.e. pin 4 of MIDI out must be connected to +5V via a resistor of 220
Ω and pin 2 must be
connected to Gnd. We found that some MIDI devices do not comply with this demand.
To check whether your MIDI transmitter is suitable for this type of power supply you have to do the
following: Open the case of the MSY2 by removing the 4 screws using a suitable tool. Inside you
see the pc board of the MSY2 with 2 possible jumper locations:
Picture 2: jumper location for power supply selection
One of the jumpers is located near the power supply connector. If this jumper is set the MSY2 is
supplied from an external AC adapter (7...12V, 100mA minimum). This is the factory setting. If the
jumper near the MIDI-In socket is set the MSY2 is supplied from MIDI (if the MIDI transmitter used
is 100% MIDI compatible).
Only one of the two jumpers is allowed to be set. Otherwise the MSY2 will be damaged! If none of
the two jumpers is set the MSY2 will not work.
When connecting the MSY2 to MIDI Out of the controlliung device the Clock LED must light up and
remain on until the first MIDI clock event occurs. If this happens the power supply viy MIDI is
possible. Otherwise the MSY2 must be supplied from an external AC adapter.
jumper for power
supply via AC adapter
jumper for power
supply via MIDI In
MSY2 version 1
MSY2 version 2