Introduction, Features, Trigger man user manual – Delptronics Trigger Man User Manual

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Trigger Man User Manual


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The Delptronics Trigger Man is a unique trigger/gate sequencer. There are 8 outputs and each sequence consists of
up to 8 steps per output. It has 8 pattern memories, which can be played back in any order and chained into a song
of patterns up to 100 patterns long. The revolutionary interface enables you to create and edit any pattern with
just two knobs.


8 HP wide, 30mm deep

8 trigger/gate outputs

8 patterns, each consisting 8 outputs, each with its own sequence of up to 8 steps

Each output has individually configurable options:

o Number of steps per sequence (1 to 8)
o Clock divider (divide by 2, 3, or 5)
o Randomization

 High or low randomization of shift or complexity
 Full or weighted randomization of the sequence

o Voltage control of shift, complexity, or sequence
o Trigger/gate pulse length:

 1 Millisecond
 10 Milliseconds
 Clock-based, output is on when clock signal is on, and off when clock signal is off
 Full, output is on for the full length of the step, consecutive "on" steps produce no "off" time

between the steps

Multi-function clock input jack can be configured as:

o External clock ticks: In this mode, the tempo knob acts as a clock divider
o Voltage controlled tempo
o Reset
o Gate

Multi-function control voltage input jack can be configured as:

o Voltage controlled pattern select (in pattern play mode)
o Voltage control of complexity, shift, or sequence, configurable for each output
o Reset
o Gate

Three modes of operation

 Algorithmic Edit: A revolutionary pattern editing interface wherein one knob controls the complexity

of the sequence (number of "on" steps and rests between the steps), and another knob shifts the
steps right and left

••• Step Edit: A traditional mode in which each step is turned on or off individually. The shift knob still

functions in Step Edit mode

Pattern Play: Select which pattern is currently playing, or create a chain of patterns up to 100
patterns long. The shift knob shifts the patterns in the chain

Edit a pattern while other patterns are playing

On-demand randomization: fully random, or weighted based on the current sequence

Pattern copy function

Sequence and Pattern clear functions

Internal clock with tempo knob (40 - 295 BPM)

Run/Stop button controls the internal clock, or resets to the first step if using an external clock

Non-volatile pattern and configuration memory. Data is saved even when powered off