Cub Cadet TANK S Series: Electrical System User Manual
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The cause of most electrical issues are moisture resulting in corrosion, loose wires or contacts
( mainly ground wires & cables ) or damaged wires.
It is highly recommended that a part of regular service is to inspect the electrical system including
all related components. This is especially true in areas of high humidity, exposure to lawn
chemicals, units stored outdoors or units that are pressure washed frequently.
Begin at the ignition switch, service all switches, relays and timers along the wire harness.
Unplug each component and clean with electrical contact cleaner.
Inspect the plug connectors to be sure all wires are secure within the housing.
Coat connections and mating surfaces with Di-Electric Grease and reassemble.
As you go through the electrical system check wiring for damaged insulation and crushed or crimped wires.
Repair or replace as required.
Engine Starter Will Not Turn Over. ( Brake On, PTO Switch Off, Operator in Seat)
1) Pull Switch to Engage PTO.
Click Yes = Current in System. - Go to #3
Click NO = No Current in System. - Go to #2
2) Check Fuse.
Bad = Replace ( May Blow Again if Short In System)
Good = OK Current From Battery to Ignition Switch. Go to #3
3) Check Current, Orange Wire @ Starter Solenoid. Key in Start Position.
Current Reading 10
– 12 volts = Possible faulty solenoid or starter.
Current Reading Less Than 10
– 12 volts = Low Battery or Current Drop thru Components.
No Current Reading. = Dead Battery or Faulty Orange Wire Circuit.
Trace Orange Wire Circuit from Ignition Switch thru System.
Engine Starter Will Turn Over, Engine Will Not Start.. ( Brake On, PTO Switch Off, Operator in Seat)
1) Fuel in System and Tank Fuel Valves Open.
2) Turn Key from Off to On Position. - Listen for Click at Engine Carb.
No Click = Faulty Afterfire Solenoid or No Current to Solenoid.
Yes Click = Afterfire Solenoid Functional
3) Check Engine Spark.
Yes Spark to Spark Plugs = Non Starting not Due to Electrical Problem.
No Spark to Spark Plugs = Possible Yellow Wire Grounding Magneto.
4) Disconnect Yellow Wire From Engine Circuit at Engine Harness Plug.
No Spark to Spark Plugs = No Spark not Due to ( Yellow Wire) Grounding Magneto.
Yes Spark to Spark Plugs = Harness ( Yellow Wire) Grounding Magneto.
Trace Yellow Wire Circuits from Ignition Switch to Relay and Yellow /
White Wire Brake, PTO Switches to Relay.
Engine Shuts Down When Brake is Released or PTO Switch is Engaged.
( Brake On, PTO Switch Off, Operator in Seat)
The primary cause of this symptom is current not going to the relay via the seat switch or
a faulty relay.
1) Unplug seat switch and ( For Diagnostic Purpose Only) Install a Jumper Wire Between
the Contacts in the Harness Seat Plug.
System Operates Normally = Faulty Seat Switch.
Symptom Still Present = Relay not Operating Properly. Check Circuits and
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