How to get started, Dear nucleocounter customer – ChemoMetec NC-200 User Manual

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How to get started

Dear NucleoCounter Customer!

Thank you for purchasing the NucleoCounter



offering not only the easiest one-step

viability and cell count ever, but also analysis of your cells where other cell counters give up!

One step viability and cell count

No pre-treatment

Fast and easy operation

Maintenance and service free

Safe sample handling and disposal

Excellent reproducibility

User adaptable counting protocols

Flexible software package

21 CFR part11 ready


The NucleoCounter




Please read manual for detailed instructions




Included on a USB stick

for an unlimited no. of



For one-step viability and

cell count. Contain Acri-

dine Orange and DAPI.

Solution 10

Can be used for

disaggregation of

aggregating cells.


laptop stand

Can be used to minimize

footprint and facilitates

even easier operation.

Unpack the NC-200 instrument and plug it in the main outlet. Do NOT connect the
USB cable to the PC.

Make sure that there are full administrator rights on the PC during the installation of
the NucleoView NC-200 software.

Insert the USB stick in the PC and open the “Install_Guide.html” file for detailed
installation instructions.

Open the “Install NucleoView NC-200 X.X.X.X.exe” file (the X’s indicate the version
number e.g. Do NOT open the .bin file.

Follow the instructions on the screen. After the software installation it may be re-
quired to restart the PC.

Open the NucleoView NC-200 software by double clicking on the NC-200 icon on the
desktop to start the installation of the instrument.

Connect the PC to the NC-200 instrument with the USB cable when the software tells
you to do so.

When the LED indicator light on the instrument turns green it is ready to use.

How to get started - 8 easy steps to install the NC-200