6] specifications – Buzz Audio essence optical compressor User Manual
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Tips for Using the Essence continued…
both HI and LO EQ) or reduce it (boost both HI and LO
). Once again, experimentation is the key and there
is no right or wrong way to use this function. And
remember that you can monitor what you doing with
these switches by engaging the S/C MON.
•Side Chain Insert
This function has numerous uses including inserting a
more elaborate equalizer into the Essence side chain or
for “keying” the compressor. By inserting a 1/3 octave
graphic equalizer, very narrow band compression to
clamp a troublesome resonance on a bass track is
possible. Or, by using fast attack and release times and
boosting around 6-20Khz on the graphic, vocal de-
essing is possible.
Keying involves using a particular sound to reduce the
volume of another sound. As an example, a guitar
track could be made to reduce in volume with the
vocal track by passing the guitar through the Essence
main audio path and feeding the vocal track into the
side chain insert return. With appropriate adjustments,
the guitar track will get quieter when the vocal is
present. All sorts of similar effects are possible.
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6] Specifications
Frequency Response
with no gain reduction
14Hz to 107kHz, +/- 1.5dB
Maximum Input Level
Maximum Output Level
Total Harmonic Distortion
Measured at 0dBu input, no gain reduction, make up Gain 0dB
0.1%, 1kHz 0.015%, 10kHz 0.002%
Measured at +10dBu input, 20dB gain reduction, make up Gain
+15dB, Attack AUTO, Release 16
0.1%, 1kHz 0.015%, 10kHz 0.005%
Residual Noise
-95dB A wtg, 150ohm source Z, make up Gain 0dB
Make up Gain
0dB to +15dB
Maximum Available Gain Reduction
S/C HI EQ Boost/Cut
8dB @ 10kHz
S/C LO EQ Boost/Cut
8dB @ 100Hz
Main Audio Input Impedance
20k ohms, bal or unbal
Main Output Impedance
100 ohms bal or unbal
Sidechain Send Output Impedance
100 ohms unbal
Sidechain Return Input Impedance
44k ohms bal or unbal
Sidechain Max Input/Output Levels
= (3”Wx5.25”H). Fits 2 spaces in API™ 500VPR Series rack format
Power requirements
= 120mA +/- 15-18 volts DC, as supplied by
rack power supply.
Specifications are typical of a production unit and are subject to
change without notice because we might be able to make it slightly
better. 0dBu reference = 0.775 volts RMS.