Buzz Audio essence optical compressor User Manual

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Controls and Indicators continued…

characteristic. The Side Chain send or output (slot 2
male XLR) is always active. The Essence onboard S/C

is post the S/C Insert point.


Use this switch to monitor on the LED VU Meter

the input level to the Essence (I), the output level
leaving the Essence (O) or the amount of Gain
Reduction (GR) being applied to the audio signal. The
VU meter 0dB reference point (in I or O modes) can be
set to either +4dBu (VU standard) or +14dBu (digital).
See section 2 of this manual.


This rotary control is used to adjust the amount

of compression applied to the audio signal, similar to a
threshold control on other compressors. Clockwise
rotation increases the amount of compression.


A four position switch which adjusts the

attack time or time taken for the compressor to respond
to the incoming audio signal peaks. Position 1 is the
fastest attack, with the Essence taking 1mS (milli-
second) or less to respond. Position 15, the compressor
takes 15mS to respond, and position 70, the attack time
is slow at 70mS. Position A is the auto mode where the
attack time of the Essence varies with program material.


A six position selector which adjusts the

time taken for the compressor to recover from a
program peak. The release times are 100mS, 200mS,

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Controls and Indicators continued…


00mS, 800mS, 1600mS. The A position is the Auto

mode whereby the compressor will release from fast
transient signals quickly, but will maintain a slower
release time with more continuous signals.

[12] RATIO

This control adjusts the change in gain

reduction for a given change in input signal level. The
ratios are 2:1, 5:1, 10:1, 20:1. As an example, in
position 5 a 5dB increase in input signal level will yield a
1dB increase in output signal level, being a ratio of 5:1.
Because the Essence has a soft knee characteristic, the
ratio value selected is the ultimate achieved and will
appear to be softer at onset of compression. See the
next section for more on this.

5] Tips for Using the Essence

Unlike some other audio compressors that are designed
to “text book” parameters, the Buzz Audio Essence
possesses a unique “musically transparent” soft knee
compression characteristic provided by the unique
Differential Drive Side Chain topology. It is equally at
home providing gentle level control of acoustic sources
through to full on squash for “in your face” lead vocals.
The following operational tips will help in getting the best
out of your unit, but the final word has to be – use your