Solar boost 2000 installation – Blue Sky Solar Boost 2000 User Manual
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RV Power Products - Solar Boost 2000
The nominal setting for this adjustment is the difference between the PV panel’s open circuit voltage (V
and maximum power voltage (V
). These voltage values are typically listed on both the PV panel datasheet and on
the rating label affixed to each PV panel. This value needs to be set correctly for the MPPT system to deliver
maximum current boost. The factory setting is 4.4 volts which is the appropriate value for many popular 36 cell PV
panels. These panels typically list V
≈21.4 volts and V
≈17.0 volts, which yields; 21.4V - 17.0V = 4.4V.
The maximum power voltage setting (V
- V
) is a nominal value. The combined effects of manufacturing
tolerances in the PV panel and wiring resistance in a particular installation can sometimes shift the optimum setting.
While not required, it is recommended that for maximum boost performance this adjustment be fine tuned following
installation. Fine tuning is also desirable following installation of additional PV panels.
Fine tuning is easily accomplished by slowly adjusting the MPPT adjust potentiometer to obtain maximum
Output Charge Current. Adjustment is best done in full sun with a discharged battery and cool ambient
temperatures. Verify that a slight drop in output current is seen on either side of the peak. If a drop on either side of
the peak is not seen, MPPT is not fully operational due to a combination of high PV temperature and/or high battery
voltage. MPPT can usually be made to operate by lowering battery voltage through application of a heavy DC load.
If in doubt, leave the adjustment at the factory setting position as shown in Figure 3.
For temperature compensation to operate, the SensorLug battery temperature sensor must be installed and
temperature compensation must be enabled. Solar Boost 2000 will not provide output current if temperature
compensation is enabled without the SensorLug installed.
The factory setting of approximately 14.0 volts is suitable for most liquid electrolyte batteries in a predominately
cycling application and does not require adjustment. For a predominately float application, a somewhat lower voltage of
perhaps 13.8 volts may be beneficial in decreasing water loss. If you need to change the setting, the adjustment
potentiometer location is shown in Figure 3. With the battery at or near full charge, adjust the charge voltage as
desired. First, verify that you are in the voltage control mode by momentarily setting the voltage somewhat higher than
your desired setting. If you cannot set the voltage higher, the battery is not sufficiently charged to be in the voltage
control mode. If a model 6210 charge controller is used, this adjustment will have no effect as the 6210 controls charge
voltage. If the SensorLug temperature compensation option is installed, first turn switch #7 off to disable temperature
compensation. The SensorLug does not need to be disconnected. Adjust the charge voltage to the desired 80
°F value,
and then turn switch #7 back on.
The Solar Boost 2000 panel should be mounted in a convenient location that provides easy routing of large
size wires to the PV array and battery, and keeps PV/battery wire length as short as practical. The location should also
provide free air circulation around the front of the panel, and if possible, around the rear. Take great care not to
damage circuit board components as this damage is not covered under the limited warranty. Figure 6 provides a 1:1
template for the panel cut-out. A surface mounting box is also available as RVPP part number 720-0011-01.