Blue Sky Solar Boost 2512iX-HV User Manual
Page 9

Installation and Operation Manual
The auxiliary charge function is used to charge an auxiliary battery of the same voltage as the primary battery. If the primary battery is charging in
Absorption or Float, up to 2 amps is diverted to the auxiliary battery at the same charge voltage. Auxiliary battery charge is disabled during Bulk or Equalization.
Use 14 awg wire to minimize voltage drop and 25 amp maximum over current protection. Auxiliary battery negative must connect to primary battery negative.
The load controller can deliver up to 25 amps of output and operates as a high side switch to battery positive. Default settings are for Low Voltage
Disconnect (LVD) with ON at V
≥12.6V, and OFF at V
≤11.5V, which can be changed with the IPN-ProRemote or UCM. ON/OFF operation can also be
based on battery amp-hours from full if an IPN-ProRemote is permanently installed. The ON/OFF condition must be valid for 20 seconds before switching will
occur. If the higher/lower values are reversed the output control logic is inverted.
CAUTION: 30 amp maximum over current protection for the output must be provided externally. If the load control is configured
to operate based on net battery amp-hours, configure ON/OFF voltage thresholds as well. If amp-hour from full data is not
available, voltage based operation will resume. ON/OFF thresholds must not be the same value or improper operation will result.
An IPN-ProRemote with software version V2.00 or later or a UCM is required to setup and enable lighting control. Refer to IPN-ProRemote or UCM
operators manual for lighting control setup instructions. Variable time settings are available to turn lighting ON after Dusk (Post-Dusk timer) and/or ON before Dawn
(Pre-Dawn timer). If both timers are set to DISABLED (factory default), the lighting control feature is disabled. If either the Post-Dusk or Pre-Dawn timers are set to
a time value the lighting control feature is enabled. When lighting control is enabled the Load output is controlled by both the normal LVD control function and the
lighting control function such that whichever function wants the Load output OFF prevails.
Dusk or night time begins when the charge control system turns OFF which occurs when PV module current drops below
≈50mA at battery voltage. Dawn
or day time begins when the charge control system turns ON which occurs when PV module current rises to
≈100mA at battery voltage. If the Post-Dusk timer
was set to 1.0 hour and the Pre-Dawn timer was set to 2.0 hours, lights would turn ON at Dusk, remain ON for one hour, and then turn OFF. Two hours before
Dawn the lights would again turn ON and remain ON until Dawn. For full Dusk to Dawn lighting set the Post-Dusk timer to 20 hours. When the 2512 first receives
battery power it does not know when Dawn is expected to occur. As a result Pre-Dawn control does not operate for the first night. Once a night time period of 4
hours or more is detected this night time period is stored and Pre-Dawn control will operate. Each subsequent night time period greater than 4 hours is added to a
filtered average of night time so that the predicted night time period automatically adjusts to changing seasons.
A communication link is established between controllers by daisy chaining a twisted pair cable from the IPN Network terminal block, controller to controller
(A-to-A, B-to-B) as shown in Figure 5. Up to 8 IPN based charge controllers can be connected together in a multi-controller system. Device address 0 (zero) is the
master and 1 – 7 are slaves. The master controls the charging process and directs the activities of the slaves.
CAUTION: A multi-controller system requires the following specialized installation and setup:
1) Each controller must connect to and charge the same battery.
2) One controller must be set to IPN address 0 (zero) and the others be set to addresses 1 – 7 with no controllers set the same.
3) Charge parameters are set in the master only.
4) While outputs connect in parallel to a common battery, PV inputs must be completely separate. A large PV array must be
divided into sub-arrays, each with separate PV+ and PV– wiring.
5) All controllers must be connected to the IPN network as shown in Figure 5.