Input select – AYRE AX-5 User Manual
Page 14

AX-5 to “zero” while retaining the current volume
setting in memory. Pressing either button a second
time restores the volume to the previous level.
When the mute function is activated, all five
decimal points in the display will light up.
Low-Power Consumption Mode
Press and hold the right-hand front-panel button for
three seconds (or a short press of the “1/0” remote
button) to enter the low-power consumption mode.
The audio and display will shut off, yet the tape
output and AyreLink functions remain active. This
mode is indicated by illuminating the green LED in
the right-hand button.
While in low-power consumption mode, the tape
output is still active and will respond to changes of
the input selector.
A long press of the “1/0” remote button will
place all AyreLinked components in your system
into low-power consumption or standby mode.
Input Select
The desired source component may be selected with
either the left-hand knob or the remote control
handset, and the assigned name is displayed on the
front panel.
Although there are six total inputs on the Ayre
AX-5, only the activated (named) inputs will be
listed among the available sources. This greatly
simplifies operation of the unit.