AvaLAN Wireless AW-900mT User Manual

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©2004 — 2007 AvaLAN Wireless Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. AvaLAN Wireless and the AvaLAN Wireless logo are registered trademarks of AvaLAN Wireless Systems

Incorporated. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. AvaLAN Wireless makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy, utility, or

completeness of the contents of this publication and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. No license, express

or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any patents or other intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Particular uses or applications may invalidate some of the

specifications and/or product descriptions contained herein. The customer is urged to perform its own engineering review before deciding on a particular application. AvaLAN

Wireless products are not designed for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. 07.07.2007

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FCC-Approved Antennas (900 MHz)

Fixed base station and mobile applications

AvaLAN Modules are pre-FCC approved for use in fixed base station and mobile applications. When the antenna is mounted at least

20 cm (8”) from nearby persons, the application is considered a mobile application.

Portable applications and SAR testing

When the antenna is mounted closer than 20 cm to nearby persons, then the application is considered “portable” and requires an

additional test be performed on the final product. This test is called the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing and measures the

emissions from the module and how they affect the person.

RF exposure (This statement must be included as a CAUTION statement in OEM product manuals.)

WARNING: This equipment is approved only for mobile and base station transmitting devices. Antenna(s) used for this transmitter

must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in con-

junction with any other antenna or transmitter.

To fulfill FCC certification requirements:

1. Integrator must ensure required text [Figure 1] is clearly placed on the outside of the final product.

2. AW900mT Module may be used only with Approved Antennas types that have been tested with this module.

Table 1. Type certified antennae

Antenna warning

WARNING: This device has been tested with Reverse Polarity SMA connectors with the antennas listed in Table 1 Appendix A. When

integrated into OEM products, fixed antennas require installation preventing end-users from replacing them with non-approved anten-

nas. Antennas not listed in the tables must be tested to comply with FCC Section 15.203 (unique antenna connectors) and Section

15.247 (emissions).

IC (Industry Canada) Certification

Labeling requirements for Industry Canada are similar to those of the FCC. A clearly visible label on the outside of the final product

enclosure must display the following text:

Integrator is responsible for its product to comply with IC ICES-003 & FCC Part 15, Sub. B - Unintentional Radiators. ICES-003 is the

same as FCC Part 15 Sub. B and Industry Canada accepts FCC test report or CISPR 22 test report for compliance with ICES-003.