AvaLAN Wireless AW-NetDrop User Manual

4g cellular ethernet gateway

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4G Cellular Ethernet Gateway

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The AvaLAN 4G Cellular Ethernet Gateway is shipped to you already pre-provisioned with your chosen Cellular Service

Provider. To verify this, simply provide power to the unit using the accompanying Power Over Ethernet adapter and

connect a laptop or other computer capable of browsing the Internet to the POE’s Data In port. The LEDs visible through

the window in the top of the AW-NetDrop will indicate if power is applied, if the local Ethernet is connected and if a

cellular connection has been established.

The AW-NetDrop is a DHCP Server on the local Ethernet and

can provide your computer with an IP address. Or if you

wish, you can manually configure it. The local IP address

of the AW-NetDrop is set by default to and by

browsing to this address, you should be able to see the

built-in browser interface shown here. This built-in inter-

face has a very comprehensive instruction manual inte-

grated with it and should provide all the help you need to

configure the AW-NetDrop’s router functionality and to set

it up as a mini-ISP for a fringe IP device that you can access

via the Internet and Cellular network.

If you encounter any difficulties, you may need to consult

with your company’s IT department or Cellular Data pro-

vider. You may also contact AvaLAN Technical Support or

seek answers from our website,


Quick Start Guide

LAN Cable to local

computer or device

LAN Cable

to AW-NetDrop

120 VAC Power

Status Display LEDs

LAN Cable from POE
