Operation – Audio Damage Panstation User Manual
Page 8

Panstation can be used in a mono-in/stereo-out or stereo-in/stereo-out context. Since Panstation’s raison
d’être is creating stereo panning effects, it won’t work in a mono-in/mono-out context.
Most of Panstation’s onscreen controls are numbers which directly represent the current value of the
parameters. To change these controls, simply click on them with the mouse and drag up to increase the value,
down to decrease it. On most of these controls, clicking a specific digit and dragging up/down will change only
that digit. Use this technique to make small adjustments to controls by dragging on digits toward the right of
the control, and large adjustments by dragging on digits to the left. You can set most of the controls to default
values by holding down the
key and clicking on the control.
Panstation has a few different modes of operation; not all of its controls are relevant to all modes. If a control
isn’t useful in the current mode, it is greyed out and won’t respond to mouse clicks. Here are two screenshots
of Panstation; the one on the left shows a mode in which most of the controls are inactive:
In the following pages we’ll describe each of Panstation’s controls. Panstation is not a terribly complex plug-in,
but some of its controls are interrelated and explaining one necessarily involves referring to others. Hence you
will find that sometimes we refer to a control in passing before later describing it in detail.