Trigger threshold – Audio Damage Panstation User Manual
Page 14

MIDI Note Trigger – This setting causes Panstation to be triggered by any MIDI Note-On message it
receives, regardless of pitch or MIDI channel
. Contrary to the Audio Trigger Source, a subsequent
MIDI Note-On message will retrigger Panstation. The idea is that while you may not have exact control
over the levels of the audio material entering Panstation, you can exert exact control over the MIDI
notes you send to it.
MIDI Note Position – In this mode, MIDI Note-On messages completely determine Panstation’s
panning. If a middle-C note is received, the signal is placed at the center of the stereo field. Higher-
pitched notes move the sound to the right, lower pitches move it to the left. The LFOs and envelope
generator have no effect so all controls associated with them are disabled.
MIDI Pan Controller – Like the MIDI Note Position setting, but MIDI Continuous Controller Pan
messages (controller #10) control Panstation’s panning. (Yes, you can probably already do this with
your DAW, but it seemed silly to not put in this feature.)
Trigger Threshold
The TRIGGER THRESHOLD control sets the level of the audio signal at which Panstation
will trigger. The threshold is expressed in decibels relative to full scale, with a range of -
40 to zero. When the input signal rises above the threshold, Panstation triggers.
Note that in order for Panstation to trigger on separate audio events, it needs to wait for
the input signal to fall back below the threshold before it can be triggered again. You may find that increasing
the threshold produces better results; raising the threshold means that only the loudest peaks of the signal
will be detected as triggers.
If you can’t get exactly the triggering response you want, use the MIDI Note Trigger mode and place MIDI
notes to trigger Panstation precisely.
Different host DAWs have different conventions for routing MIDI information to effects plug-ins. We won’t attempt to
explain all of these conventions here; consult the manual for your favorite host if you haven’t done this before.